Page 56 - Climate Control News November 2018
P. 56
New Products
High efficiency theme at Chillventa
THE FOCUS FOR CAREL at Chillventa 2018 last month was high efficiency.
The company showcased a wide range of CAREL valves and inverters, which are constantly growing and being updated.
Many of CAREL’s systems for controlling refriger- ation and air-conditioning units and systems are underpinned by two decisive and consolidated tech- nologies: electronic expansion valves and DC com- pressor inverters. Both of these components are de- signed to optimise the operation of refrigeration units. The benefits? Up to 40% less power consump- tion, fine temperature control at all times, and opti- misation of operating conditions to maximise com- pressor reliability and performance.
A virtual experience was exhibited for the first time ever, highlighting the advantages of Carel’s IoT solutions from both an educational and training viewpoint, as well as predictive maintenance.
CAREL had a wide range of products on show at Chillventa 2018.
Rapid heating, quick installation
UNDERFLOOR HYDRONIC HEATING is an increasingly popular solution for heating a home or business.
Perceived as the most luxurious and eco- nomical heating method available on the mar- ket, not only does it evenly distribute radiant and gentle warmth, but it is also extremely en- ergy efficient and allergy-friendly. Historically the most common methods for integrating hy- dronic radiant floor heating is through an in- slab installation or an in-screed installation for a new build project.
But thanks to the Uponor Minitec system,
Hunt Heating is making it just as easy to retro- fit this form of heating opening up a whole new market place of opportunities for this de- sirable heating option.
The Uponor Minitec system consists of a rigid sheeting element with specialized PEX-A pipes measuring 9.9 x 1.1mm in diameter and can be applied directly on top of the existing slab, timber or tiled floor.
The adhesive surface on the base of the sheet ensures a secure fixture to the floor during installation and the raised knuckles allow the pipework to be slotted in easily. Due
Warmth that is energy efficient and allergy-friendly.
to Uponor Minitec’s low profile, once the lev- elling compound (shallow screed) is poured, the resulting floor height increase is only ap- proximately 15mm prior to the finished floor- ing being installed. Thanks to its quick in- stallation and quick heating up times, Uponor Minitec is a game changer in the Australian heating marketplace.
Hunt Heating is a nation-wide provider of hydronic heating and cooling systems for homes and businesses and the exclusive dis- tributor of the Uponor Minitec system. Call 1300 00 1800.