Page 22 - Climate Control News December 2018
P. 22
Wholesalers Feature
From land to the sea: A-Gas has you covered
LEFT: A-Gas truck is ready 24/7.
BELOW LEFT: One of the company's expert technicians.
BELOW: The El Machino is petrol powered so it doesn't rely on site power.
faster than traditional recovery units; A-Gas can also streamline projects and save time by sup- plying all required cylinders for the job and tak- ing them away once the project is completed.
A-Gas understand the importance of getting cooling equipment back online with minimal downtime, this applies both to comfort cooling and in particular the cold food chain. Why not let Rapid recovery minimise downtime on projects this summer?
Rapid Recovery, the largest refrigerant recov- ery company in the world, was founded in the USA in 2002 to meet the compliance require- ments of the Montreal Protocol. The company joined A-Gas, experts in the supply and lifecycle management of refrigerants and industrial gas- es, in 2016 and has continued to expand globally.
A-Gas Rapid Recovery is available across Aus- tralia with a robust network of recovery vehicles and certified technicians in place across the country to give contractors coverage when re- quired. A-Gas Rapid recovery is currently locat- ed in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane; with Ad- elaide and Perth to follow in early 2019.
Streamline your processes with A-Gas Rapid Recovery and save time and money. ✺
A-GAS RAPID RECOVERY is the world-lead- er in refrigerant recovery.
The company's petrol powered custom built recovery solution provides efficient, Arctick compliant and cost-effective refrigerant recov- ery services to a wide range of industries, includ- ing (but not limited to) HVAC, refrigeration, OEM, demolition and marine.
A-Gas has extensive experience recovering re- frigerant from a diverse range of projects, from supermarket retrofits to recovering three tonnes of product from an active cruise ship while at sea.
Their expert technicians will ensure your pro- ject is handled seamlessly with minimal down- time, this allows customers to move on to the next job as fast as possible.
From land to the sea, A-Gas Rapid Recovery can handle even the most difficult of recoveries. The El Machino is petrol powered so not dependant on site power, it offers the fastest recovery speeds and is the work horse of Rapid Recovery. With an inte- grated 75 metre hose, A-Gas can easily access most plant rooms/ roofs and recover gas without taking their equipment and cylinders off the truck.
For poor access jobs or low-pressure recover- ies (such as R11 or R123), Rapid Recovery has the La Poderosa a smaller electric powered machine which can be easily brought to the plant room, along with cylinders to complete the job. All that is required is access to single phase power and running water.
The service is available 24/7 (by appointment) to help customers deliver maintenance or demo- lition projects faster.
A-Gas Rapid Recovery has been a part of mul- tiple chiller recovery projects along the east coast of Australia since its launch earlier this year. Systems have ranged from very large (1600Kg charge size) to as small as 30Kg.
There is no job too big or too small; A-Gas Rapid Recovery will recover product from residential split systems, package units, supermarket racks, chill- ers, or projects with hundreds of separate units.
With bespoke Rapid Recovery equipment and processes recovery speeds are up to 10 times