Page 38 - Climate Control News December 2018
P. 38
New products
York capacity increase
From the SVL platform, the SVL 50
New range
of SVL valves
DANFOSS HAS INTRODUCED a new range of SVL valves approved up to 65 bar and has a temperature range from - 60°c to 150°c.
The new valve is perfectly suited for the re- quirements of industrial ammonia (R717) heat recovery systems as well as subcritical CO2 (R744) systems.
Using a higher pressure has several advantag- es. For subcritical CO2 systems, the higher pres- sure means that smaller stand-still units can be used or left out entirely as the saturation temper- ature rises from 16°C to 25°C. Furthermore, the higher pressure enables hot gas to be taken from the transcritical side.
For ammonia heat pumps the higher pressure allows for a rise in the saturation temperature from 90°C to 102°C. This means you can have same capacity with fewer compressors and a higher supply temperature which enables the water to be used in a broader application range.
The 65 bar SVL is available in Australia by spe- cial order.
The new valve is available in sizes and connec- tion variants:
• SVA (Cap) / FIA up to DN200
• SCA / CHV up to DN125
• REG up to DN40 (SA) / DN65 (SB)
• DIN and ANSI Butt Weld
The valve is based on the acknowledged SVL platform which above all is characterized by flexibility. Using just two basic valve housings – a straightway and an angle way – the platform offers five different functions. This simplicity provides easy and time-saving usage in many processes.
Danfoss Flexline products offer an easy road to sustainability with low life-cycle costs, low emissions from leaks and approvals for use with low GWP refrigerants.
JOHNSON CONTROLS HAS expanded its Yorkair-cooledchillerrange.
The YORK YVFA Free-Cooling Chiller line nowhasacapacityrangeto500tonnes.
YORK YVFA chillers deliver the lowest possi- ble operating cost and smallest energy footprint compared to other air-cooled chillers. Johnson Controls uses an Annual Ener-
gy Cost (AEC) modeling tool to produce
a customized report factoring all key variables – geographic location, building
type, operating hours, utility costs and
local weather data. In most locations, a
facility operating 24/7 with a constant cooling load can achieve an operating
cost payback in as little as two years.
Performance of the chiller is also as-
sured by AHRI certification, which is the first time certification has been given to an air- cooledscrewchillerwithfreecooling.
For details visit free-cooling.
YVFA chillers deliver a small energy footprint compared to other air-cooled chillers.
Innovative solar system gets certified
THE SOLAR RATING & Certification Corpo- ration (ICC-SRCC), a program of the ICC Evalu- ation Service (ICC-ES), has awarded Ridged Systems a certification for several configura- tions of its innovative Fire and Ice solar hot wa- ter systems.
The ICC-SRCC OG-300 Solar Thermal Sys- tem Certification Program certifies that hot water systems demonstrate compliance with the ICC 900/ICC-SRCC 300 Solar Thermal Sys- tem Standard which sets minimum criteria for performance and safety.
ICC-SRCC engineers thoroughly examined the Fire and Ice systems, including its installa- tion and operation manuals, to ensure that each of its 12 systems meet the requirements of the OG-300 program.
Fire and Ice systems not only provide do- mestic hot water, but are also designed to be coupled with mechanical systems.
An innovative heat exchanger is used that accepts heat from a solar loop containing gly- col and from refrigeration loops connected to mechanical equipment.
In doing so, the system can act as a desuper- heater, accepting waste heat, and reducing the electrical energy consumption of the mechani- cal system by 20 to 35%, according to the man- ufacturer.
ICC-ES vice president of technical services Shawn Martin, said Ridged Systems has dem- onstrated that solar thermal systems have much to offer to help reduce the energy con- sumption of homes and businesses.
President of Ridged Systems, Tim Graboski said,markets are seeking innovative technolo- gies to assist in complying with mandatory en- ergy standards.
“Fire and Ice solar is a hybrid technology uti- lizing solar energy to increase energy conser- vation, as well as energy efficiencies,” he said.
Innovation has changed the heating system landscape.