Page 54 - Climate Control News magazine Oct-Nov 2022
P. 54

 New Products
   Air purification a necessity for commercial spaces
LG ELECTRONICS AUSTRALIA has launched a commercial air purifier, which is designed to improve and maintain the quality of indoor environments.
Featuring powerful air cleaning technolo- gies with a modern design and easy mainte- nance, the new commercial LG Air Purifier (AG16GBWX0) creates a pleasant indoor environment for a variety of commercial buildings.
Specific to commercial spaces where large numbers of people enter and exit, external pollutants, including fine dust, can pass into and linger in the air longer than heavier particles.
As such, Air Purifiers are fast becoming a necessary appliance, not only for residential households, but also for public facilities such as educational institutions, office buildings, hotels, sport and leisure facilities, and com- mercial buildings such as shopping centres.
Featuring a capacity of up to 158m2, the new commercial LG Air Purifier has the capabilities to perform in large com- mercial settings. It is designed to help maintain the air quality of indoor envi- ronments, by responding to changes as people traffic through the locations for long hours of operation.
ABOVE: The purifier features a HEPA filter and deodorising filter.
RIGHT: It has a capacity of up to 158m2.
LG Electronics head of air solutions, Andrew Barron, said there is a growing awareness in Australia of the impact of air pollution on health.
“Similarly, with many of us spending a large proportion of our time indoors, from a commercial perspective, LG finds it essential to consider the quality of indoor air, and how it can be managed and main- tained," he said.
“Our new Air Purifier is a solution for commercial buildings that can draw in pol- luted air, remove it via a large-capacity fil- ter and release clean air, all thanks to our innovative Direct Air Circulation system, allergen HEPA filter and deodorising filter.
“Combined with modern design and con- nectivity features, our new commercial air purification system offers both high perfor- mance and convenience for any type of com- mercial setting.”
                  BELOW: The SPECTRUM Water chiller will be on display at Chillventa.
Water chiller has spectrum of new features
ENGIE REFRIGERATION IS expanding its product portfolio with the international release of the new SPECTRUM Water chiller.
It has an oil-free high-lift turbo compressor, use the sustainable refrigerant R-1234ze and has a rated refrigeration capacity of 170 to 1,100 kilowatts with chilled medium outlet tempera- tures reaching -10 degrees Celsius.
This makes this water-cooled brine cooler unique in its capacity range. The cooling and heating specialist from Lindau on Lake Constance will present this innovative model for the first time at the Chillventa trade fair, which will take place this month.
ENGIE Refrigeration is known to users around the world for its ability to innovate: the company redesigned its QUANTUM Water chiller in June 2021, launched its innovative SPECTRUM Water heat pump in March 2022, and will now release its SPECTRUM Water chiller in October 2022.
ENGIE Refrigeration CEO, Jochen Hornung, said that thanks to its specific product proper- ties, the SPECTRUM Water is perfect for use in the food and drink industry and in the pharma- ceutical and chemical industries.
“This model can also provide maximum reli- ability and high energy efficiency for the climate chambers used in scientific environmental sim- ulations, and for ice rink technology,” he said.
The chiller is also available with non-flamma- ble A1 safety refrigerant R-515B. In addition, the SPECTRUM Water features a Siemens S7 PLC as its central control instrument and an accurate PID controller for top control quality.
It has oil-free turbo compressors with mag- netic bearings, flooded tube bundle heat exchangers, and an open-flash economiser inte- grated as standard, all of which contribute to excellent efficiency values in cooling mode.

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