Page 41 - Print21 November-December 2022
P. 41

                 TCMYKhub now supplying trade labels
he nation’s biggest trade CMYKhub into with high quality on-demand labels, existing web-to-print system. printer is now offering a label labels: Dayne on a range of media.” Nankervis said, “Customers won’t service, with the installation Nankervis Nankervis said CMYKhub opted need to get a separate account.
   of a new HP Indigo 6K and CMYKhub for the HP Indigo because, “we He said, “Our label printing set-up (centre), with
ABG Digicon Series 3, both know the quality, consistency, and will enhance what they can offer to supplied by Currie Group. Trent Nankervis, reliability of HP Indigo from our their customers and the market.”
The company bought the CMYKhub (3rd left), current experience, so it made the
CMYKhub is the biggest trade printer in the country, and is investing strongly. Nankervis said, “We see only positives for printing. There are always challenges, but we will overcome them. We’re looking at the next 10 years, we will be moving into a new production facility next year. Everything we do is for our customers, we’re investing for them.” 21
equipment on the final day of PacPrint, adding to the considerable investment it has been making in production equipment.
Dayne Nankervis, CEO
at CMYKhub said, “We are increasingly being asked for labels by our customers, including our larger clients. This new investment will enable us to serve the market
and Mark Daws, Currie Group
(5th right), among the group with the new HP Indigo 6K
choice straightforward. We know the technology and quality, and
we know the level of servicing that is provided. The fact that Currie Group also supply the ABG Digicon converting unit was great for us.”
The new label printing system is installed at CMYKhub’s Melbourne base, and is available to all its customers through the company’s
 F Wo o t p r i n t i n l a b e l s m o v e w i t h S u r e P r e s s
A-based Footprint is in the commercial operation market with both offset and digital, Footprint is with its digital presses supplied moving into the and serviced by Fujifilm. James labels market, Oldfield, son of Patrick, who with
ordering a new Epson SurePress his sister Stella will be taking over
   L-4533 digital label press and Scorpio converting unit from Fujifilm Business Innovation.
Patrick Oldfield, founder of the 30-year-old business said, “Labels represent a great opportunity.
We are in Mandurah, near the major wine producing region here. We think many winemakers want short-run, on-demand, high quality labels, which Footprint will now be able to provide.”
the running of the business, said, “We have experienced superb servicing from Fujifilm over many years, and that was a key factor in us opting for the Epson SurePress supplied by Fujifilm.
“The quality of the image on the press is really impressive, as is the productivity. It will enable us to meet the demands of the market with confidence.”
Chris Lynch, general manager
Footprint into labels: Owners (l-r) Patrick and James Oldfield are presented with a celebratory bottle by Fujifilm’s Chris Lynch in front of the SurePress L-4533
– Graphic Communications at Fujifilm Business Innovation said, “Footprint is a great example
of a print business that has identified a growth opportunity in a new market, and is investing in technology to enable it to operate successfully in that market.” 21

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