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signs L-3
One of the most experienced and qualified chemical cleaning companies in Australia
Distributors for Dynamic Descaler and Cee Bee Maritime
• Theworldssafestandmosteffectivedescaler
• Biodegradbleandenvironmentallyfriendly
• Superiorcorrosionrates;thelowestofanydescaler
• Powerfuldetergentsandpenetratingagents
• Economical.Alowertotalcostthananyofitscompetitors
• Fastacting–equipmentiscleanedinhoursnotdays
• Approvedandusedbynaviesandmajorindustriesworld-wide
• Industryleadersincleaningalltypesoftoiletsystemandother vacuum pipelines
• Auniquevacuumsystemcleaningprogramincludingdigital dosing units
• Toiletscanremaininoperationwhileservicingisperformed
• Servicingdoesnotinterferewithvesselsoperation,evenifunderway
• Nodamagetopipework,toiletmechanisms,orbiologicalsewage
treatment plants
• UsedextensivelyonnavalandcommercialvesselsinEurope
on OPVs
LUERSSEN Australia, the prime contractor for the de- sign and build of 12 new Offshore Patrol Vessels for the RAN, has awarded a subcontract to L3 Communica- tions Australia.
While opening L3’s new Defence Design and Engi- neering Centre in Victoria, Minister for Defence Indus- try Christopher Pyne said the contract with L3 would provide the communications throughout the ships, in- cluding monitoring systems for the engines and naviga- tion system for all 12 OPVs.
This contract will see 28 jobs created in Australia while allowing L3 to package a range of their maritime solutions together
“This contract will see 28 jobs created in Australia while allowing L3 to package a range of their maritime solutions together, providing further growth and op- portunities for local Australian companies,” Minister Pyne said. “L3 Technologies has a long history of work- ing with the ADF to deliver a range of capabilities, and have made vital contributions to our Collins Class Sub- marines and Canberra Class Amphibious Assault Ships.
“L3 have been expanding in Australia, growing by 30% since mid-2017. Their brand new expanded De- fence Design and Engineering Centre will enable this relationship to continue and grow, collaborating and innovating with local universities and SMEs, and I con- gratulate them on the opening today.”
Lurssen Australia is under contract for the design and build of 12 OPVs. The project, which in total is worth around $3.6 billion, will create approximately 1,000 jobs - 400 direct and a further 600 in the supply chain. Construction will commence on the first ship at Os- borne Naval Shipyard in South Australia this year.
• AcidBasedChemicalCleaning
• Alkalinebasedcleaninganddegreasing
• Hydro-blastingandhighpressurewashing
• VacuumandGravitySystemSewerageFlushing&Cleaning • Sanitationanddisinfectionservices
• CleaningandRepairofHeatExchangerandCoolers
and Australia
To find out more...
contact us on (02) 9624 8011 or at
1/4 Bearing Road, Seven Hills, NSW 2147
ADM’s Directory of Defence Suppliers 2018 | Edition 49 |
08193 DFD Beralon.indd 1 13/10/17 4:18 PM