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Next edition: we publish two editions annually, in June and November
leadership whilst the association builds and maintains key partner- ships at local, national and international level, through influencing national policy and strategy and maintaining key relationships with Government decision makers. Through our State and Territory chap- ters AIDN member organisations have access to the latest informa- tion on contracts, tenders and are provided the opportunity to attend and meet with Defence and Prime suppliers at regular defence in- dustry networking functions.For membership enquiries please con- tact the AIDN National Coordinator: For more details on our Association refer to Page 22.
Address PO Box 4986, Kingston ACT 2604
AMA Building, 42 Macquarie Street, Barton ACT 2604
Tel (02) 6233 0700 Email Web
Contact Kate Louis - Head, Defence and Industry Policy
CAPABILITIES: The Ai Group Defence Council is the peak national representative body for the Australian defence industry. The role of the Defence Council is to address significant issues that impact the defence industry. The Defence Council is a forum for building and developing the shared interests of the industry through its National Executive and Working Groups which inform policy development, develop initiatives, and promote the shared interests of Defence and industry. The Defence Council brings Government, Defence and de- fence industry together for the benefit of national security and the growth and development of the national defence industry.
For more details on the Ai Group, refer to Page 26.
Address PO Box 2188, Salisbury Downs SA 5108
Tel 0409 934 630 Email Web
Contact Darren J Collins - Secretary
Mobile 0417 597 334 Email
CAPABILITIES: The Defence Industry Courses Alumni (DICA) unites graduates of the Defence and Industry Study Course [DISC] and the former Defence Industrial Mobilisation Course [IMC] which ran from the early 1950’s through to 1991. These programs have at their core the common aim of enhancing the relationship between Defence and Industry. Since 2010, graduates of the Armed Services technical training streams and other specialist vocational and tertiary pro- grams have also been admitted further enhancing that relationship. DICA members are employed in key positions in government or in- dustry and following retirement many make themselves available to mentor colleagues and new graduates. DICA is an outstanding net- work of key executives and decision makers located throughout the Defence industry sector. The organisation exists to support its mem- bers and others within the sector who may be seeking professional mentoring or to locate a collaborative venture partner.
Address Innovation House East, 50 Mawson Lakes Boulevard,
Mawson Lakes SA 5095 Tel (08) 7320 1003 Email
Contact Margot Forster - Chief Executive Officer
Tel (08) 7320 1000 Email Contact Tracy Pierce - Director Member Services and Marketing Tel (08) 7320 1008 Email
CAPABILITIES: The Defence Teaming Centre (DTC) is a nationally- focused member organisation enabling and supporting Australian industry to develop capability and increase overall competitiveness in domestic and global defence markets.
Members include Prime Defence Contractors, Small-to-Medium Enterprises, Professional Service Providers and Academic Institutions that are involved in supplying and supporting Defence capability.
DTC provides services to facilitate market entry and ongoing busi- ness with Defence. Services are tailored to meet the needs of com- panies (of all sizes) engaged in activities across all domains within the sector – Air, Land, Sea, Space and Cyber.
Address Level 2, 755 Hunter Street, Newcastle West NSW 2302 PO Box 223, Wickham NSW 2293
Tel (02) 4925 4482 Email
Contact Renae Gifford - Project Director
CAPABILITIES: Hunter Defence is a joint initiative of HunterNet and the Hunter Business Chamber. It is a strong and well respected brand supporting a robust regional defence presence and the defence in- dustry. Its successful partnership brings growth to defence indus- tries in the Hunter and Central Coast region. Hunter Defence pro- vides significant advocacy and collaboration outcomes across the region and developed the first Hunter Defence Strategy delivered in 2013. It has a track record of advocacy in support of the defence sec- tor in the Hunter and at State and National levels.
For more details on our Association refer to Page 28.
Address PO Box 128 261, Remuera, Auckland 1541 New Zealand Email
CAPABILITIES: Formed in 1993 to represent companies interested in defence, the New Zealand Defence Industry Association (NZDIA) provides networking opportunities and workshops for our industry members and the New Zealand Defence Force. The NZDIA’s flagship event is the annual New Zealand Defence, Industry & National Security Forum, an event bringing together domestic and interna- tional companies focused on national security, and the NZDF and other security agencies. The NZDIA can assist international nation- al security agencies with information on the capability and capacity of member companies and related networks. For further information on the Association go to, or page 32.
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ADM’s Directory of Defence Suppliers 2018 | Edition 49 |