Page 46 - ADM Directory of Defence Suppliers #49
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Centre for Defence Industry Capability (CDIC)
The Centre for Defence Industry Capability’s mission is to work with industry and Defence to build a world class, globally competitive Australian industry as a Fundamental Input to Defence Capability.
The CDIC provides a central entry point for industry to find the assistance it needs for doing with Defence, and to coordinate support from across national and state and territory governments.
The Centre for Defence Industry Capability (CDIC) delivers initiatives in three key areas:
• Industry Development activities, including business advice and funding for sector-wide initiatives
• Facilitating Innovation by connecting business, academia and research organisations with innovative ideas to Defence.
• Defence Business Competitiveness and Exports, focusing on enabling expert business advisers to provide Defence specific advice to
help grow prosperous Australian businesses.
CDIC advisers are located in all states and territories, to form a national advisory network that connects businesses with researchers, the Defence industry, state and territory Governments and Defence. The CDIC is funded by Defence through Strategic Policy & Intelligence Group, but hosted by AusIndustry, enabling advisers to introduce industry and researchers to broader Government innovation initiatives.
The CDIC website takes applications for the Defence Innovation Hub and Next Generation Technologies Fund.
The CDIC will help transform the Defence and industry relationship, for Australia to grow a world-class, globally-competitive Defence industry for future generations.
General Manager
Further Information
Andrew Garth
Tel (03) 9268 7930
Level 13, 26 Franklin Street Adelaide SA 5000
Centre for Defence Industry Capability Tel 13 28 46
Mobile Phone and UAV Detection + Jamming
Contact: Maurice Gilbert
Phone: +61 407 408 647
Contact: Freddie Grew
Phone: +61 418 205 570
Email: Phone: Web:
1800 233 414
Mobile Phone Interception + Managed Access
ADM’s Directory of Defence Suppliers 2018 | Edition 49 |
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