Page 56 - Climate Control News Aug-Sep 2020
P. 56

 New products
     Michell’s CDP301 portable tester.
Visual measurement
THE MICHELL CDP301 portable HCDP tester uses the chilled-mirror principle for both hydro- carbon and water dew-point measurements and is designed to follow the requirements as de- scribed in ASTM D1142.
Based on the visual manual method of observ- ing the formation of condensate, the CDP301 uses a high-definition visual image to assist us- ers and allows image capture and reliable log- ging of measurements for later review.
Other product features include high definition colour LC display, visual identification of both water and hydrocarbon dew point, automatic mirror cooling rate control according to ISO 6327 and ASTM D1142 test methods and a 100 barg operating pressure rating.
It also has a better than ±0.5˚C accuracy of mirror surface measurement.
  The step by step guide is aimed at small to medium sized businesses.
SAFE WORK AUSTRALIA has published a best practice guide on the storage of flammable liq- uids in the workplace.
It is aimed at small to medium sized business- es and details legal compliance, safety standards and information on storage requirements and how to label containers.
A step-by-step process for identifying, assess- ing and controlling risks associated with storing flammable liquids is also provided.
Once risks are identified businesses need to take stock of their flammable liquids and identi- fy ignition sources.
“Places where flammable gases, vapours, dusts, fumes and mists are likely to be present in the air in a flammable or explosive concentra- tion are hazardous areas,” the guide explains.
“Always begin by eliminating risks where it is reasonably practicable, as this is the most effective way to stop an incident from occurring.”
It then goes on to explain how to manage and store flammable liquids.
“Engineering controls are a very reliable way to control the risks of hazardous chemicals as long as they are designed, used and maintained properly,” according to the guide.
Key engineering controls include drainage, ventilation, safe electrical equipment, enclosed transfer systems and fire protection systems.
The final section of the guide deals with placards and how to maintain controls in- cluding regular inspection schedules and staff training.
Get smart with IQ
BITZER’S INTELLIGENT PRODUCTS repre- sent protection, monitoring, recording, analy- sis, visualisation and communication.
Products include BITZER compressors as well as certain components which make them much easier to operate, such as external fre- quency inverters and operating modules.
A good example is the VARIPACK frequency inverters which are designed for safe and easy capacity control and have been specially modi- fied for refrigeration and for the operation of BITZER refrigeration compressors.
Benefits include modular construction for high flexibility, intuitive commissioning and op- eration, reduced energy consumption for lower running costs and a wide application range.
They are suitable for refrigeration and air- conditioning systems, heat pumps, single com- pressors and compound systems. There is safe compressor start-up thanks to high starting current reserve and special start-up procedure.
BITZER IQ modules simplify compressor in- stallation and servicing significantly both on-site and remotely.
They offer the decentralised opera- tion of compressor-fitted functions such as capacity control, additional cooling and the oil heater.
BITZER IQ modules simplify compressor installation and servicing.
They also assume responsibility for moni- toring the oil pressure, discharge gas and mo- tor temperature, and, if desired, compressor- operating parameters. Their strengths can be found in communication (via Modbus and BEST software), availability (expansion of the application limits) and efficiency (optimised compressor operation).
The BEST software – the BITZER Electron- ics Service Tool – allows refrigeration and ser- vice engineers to quickly and simply operate all BITZER IQ products on the computer.
It provides a complete overview of operating status, configuration and troubleshooting for BITZER compressors, frequency inverters and condensing units, and simplifies your work through parametrization, error analysis, data logs and firmware updates.
 Guide to flammables

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