Page 8 - Australian Defence Magazine - July 2018
P. 8
UniSA wins $450 million dollar grant from Siemens
SIEMENS and the University of South Australia (UniSA) have signed a partner- ship that will transfer industrial software to train students for work in advanced manu- facturing, including naval shipbuilding.
The announcement was made by Siemens Australia chairman and CEO Jeff Connolly at the UniSA’s Museum of Discovery in Ad- elaide, supported by Premier Steven Mar-
shall, Defence Minister Christopher Pyne and Professor David Lloyd, Vice Chancel- lor and president of UniSA.
It is the largest software grant in Austra- lia, and is linked to the recommendations and work of the Prime Minister’s Indus- try 4.0 Taskforce – an industry led group established to support improved bilateral relations between Australia and Germany.
Minister Christopher Pyne, SA Premier Steven Marshall, UniSA Vice Chancellor David Lloyd, Siemens Australia CEO Jeff Connolly and Tanya Monro, UniSA’s Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation.
The $450 million grant will see Siemens share its industrial Product Lifecycle Man- agement (PLM) software systems with the University, ensuring students have access to advanced software, processes and best practices that are used to develop sophis- ticated global products and systems in in- dustries including automotive, aerospace, shipbuilding and high-tech electronics.
“It’s exciting to think that our students will soon have access to the same software used to design and develop everything from Space X, the Mars Curiosity Rover, Mase- rati Ghibli and other world leading innova- tions such as the digital shipyard for New- port News (US) where aircraft carriers are built,” Professor Lloyd said.
This grant is part of Siemens’ commit- ment of over $1 billion in advanced PLM software grants to universities nationally.
Full steam ahead for Osborne shipyard rebuild
THE redevelopment of the Osborne South Naval Shipyard in Adelaide is in full swing, seven months after Australian Naval Infra- structure (ANI) engaged Lendlease as man- aging contractor.
ANI has estimated the $535 million Os- borne South redevelopment will create up to 600 jobs.
“Approximately 100 construction staff are currently working on site, and ANI es- timates this number will peak at up to 400 in 2019,” Minister for Defence Industry Christopher Pyne said. "Earthworks sub- contractor McMahon Services Australia completed site preparation earthworks in early April 2018.
“McMahon and majority indigenous- owned subcontractor Intract Australia
Artist impression of the Osborne South Naval Shipbuilding Precinct.
formed a joint venture to construct the early earthworks with Intract continuing to provide dust management on site. Piling contractor Keller mobilised in February 2018 and as of late May 2018, over 2300
piles have been driven into the ground. Development of the new shipbuilding in- frastructure at Osborne South is scheduled to be complete in early 2020 to support the
start of Future Frigate production.
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