Page 42 - Climate Control News magazine February 2023
P. 42

   Is the rebate high enough?
4Hard work has only just begun
what is being retired out of equipment at any given time. We do have good data so when we look at different sectors we can see what type of equipment is installed, the type of refriger- ant, the size of the bank, the average retire- ment age of equipment. We know what we should be getting back and when. And when we look at different sectors we see that we
enforcement but that is out of our hands.
NICK LIANOS: When we take over a building we take a photo of the asset and we nominate its remaining life as best we can as well as it’s replacement cost. Now we have made it visi- ble with the photo and information. The min- ute you show that to a customer and you
left and in the last 12 months we’ve spent $12, 800 on it. The burden it places on the trades- people is that they need to tell us the asset they are working on. Now can we get the whole industry to do that?
SANDRA ROSSI: Should RRA provide support to companies that do reclaim?
have a tough time getting refrigerant back never show it to them again, they forget. How from splits and motor vehicles. We see that do you keep that asset visible? Every time the these are two sectors we can really try and tradesperson is at that site to do mainte-
 KYLIE FARRELLEY: RRA has the obligation of target to improve recovery rates. Within the nance or repairs you force the customer to taking back and destroying every kilo of refrig- industry we are good at speaking to each other acknowledge that you did work on that piece erant that is installed in equipment through- but it Is harder to educate householders to do of equipment. This is the asset we touched. out Australia. We are largely reliant on the the right thing. The householder needs to We invoice the customer and remind them we contractors and technicians to do the right recover refrigerant from their end of life units did work on that asset. So when you look at thing, to put it in the cylinder before we can do and they need to pay for that service. I think the asset what do you see? You see a picture our part. We’ve probably got one of the best people will want to do the right thing if they of it and all the times we went to work on it programs, of its kind, in the world. But we only know what they need to do. It’s about educa- and what we invoiced. They can see it costs get somewhere between 45 to 55 per cent of tion. I would love to see more compliance and $58,000 to replace, it has three years of life

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