Page 103 - Defence Industry Guide #53
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                       ADM’s Defence Industry Guide 2021 | Edition 53 |
Add: Unit 8, 12 Mars Road, Lane Cove West NSW 2066 T: (02) 9886 8888
M: 0419 350 291
Contact: Sonny Foster - Managing Director E:
CAPABILITIES: Collins Aerospace is a pioneer in the development and deployment of innovative communication and aviation electronic solutions for both commercial and government applications. Our ex- pertise in flight deck avionics, cabin electronics, mission communica- tions, simulation and training, and information management is deliv- ered by a global workforce of nearly 70,000 employees, and a service and support network that crosses more than 150 countries.
Collins Aerospace is a leading provider of fielded, combat proven situ- ational awareness and integrated precision targeting software suites for ground targeting, air support and call for fire missions. Our Joint Fires solutions are lightweight and modular and give you optimum flexibility to fulfil your mission needs. You can choose the complete turnkey system or select hardware and software components to en- hance your current systems. And because we offer routine upgrades, our customers are assured of exceptional long-term performance. Collins Aerospace’s Joint Fires solutions provide proven digital con- nectivity with virtually all coalition aircraft, field artillery systems and command-and-control centre battle managers. Our systems are in operation around the world, including here in Australia.
QA RATING: ISO 9001:2000, AS9100C MC: ZAW40
Add: 2 Lyell Street, Fyshwick ACT 2609 T: (02) 6250 2100
M: 0436 002 237
Contact: Mark Horn - Director Business Development Contact: Duncan Robinson - Communications Engineer
CAPABILITIES: Cubic TeraLogics is part of Cubic’s C4ISR business, Cubic Mission Solutions (CMS). CMS combines innovative capabili- ties from TeraLogics (Distributed Full Motion Video/ Situational Awareness), DTECH Labs (Tactical Networking), GATR Technologies (SATCOM), Vocality (Bandwidth-efficient communications), Cross Domain Security (XD Solutions) and Motion DSP (advanced image processing/computer vision software). Cubic’s mission solutions are delivered and supported in Australia and the Asia Pacific region by our Australian security cleared workforce. Cubic TeraLogics’ soft- ware and enterprise architecture solutions, include our cloud based Unified Video® system, a secure video solution providing manage- ment, distribution and analysis of massive amounts of archived video delivered to the edge or the enterprise.
QA RATING: Cubic’s Australian and New Zealand businesses are certified Quality Assured companies to ISO 9001:2015.
A member of the Hall & Watts Group of Companies Add: Level 40, 140 Williams Street, Docklands Vic 3000
T: (03) 9098 8758
W: Contact: Arnaud Ng - General Manager T: +61 3 9098 8758
M: 0407 880 156
CAPABILITIES: The Hall & Watts Group are manufacturers and sup- pliers of artillery and infantry fire control computing equipment, command and control systems, and training systems. Products in- clude the Zengrange/Marine Air Systems (MAS) NZ range of fire control systems, ballistic computing systems, command and control systems, indirect fire training systems, communications and secure remote initiator systems.
QA RATING: BS EN ISO 9001:2000 Cert No. FM26027 MC: Z6M32
Add: 155 Straws Lane, Hesket Vic 3442 T: 0472 685 860
W: Contact: Adam Silvester - Managing Director M: 0472 685 860
E: Contact: Andy Sayers - Technical Director
M: 0429 862 140
CAPABILITIES: Phasor Innovation offers professional expertise in all RF, electronic and electromagnetic aspects of design and integra- tion of C3I, C4I, EW, ECM and RADAR systems. Phasor Innovation has a wealth of practical experience in design, analysis and prob- lem-solving related to all aspects of complex system integration and RF compatibility. We use state-of-the-art modelling and simulation techniques, combined with sound measurement practices to ensure an optimum C4I integration solution. Areas of expertise include inter-operability, co-site interference, EMI/EMC, RADHAZ, SAR, HERP, HERO, HERF, TEMPEST, antennas.
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