Page 59 - APH_Feb21_Special
P. 59

    1. Jake Frazer
2. Jarvis Smallman
3. Sonya Clarke
4. Jake Frazer
5. Tobias Balcombe Ehrlich 6. Kayley Dixon
7. Julia Howe
8. Matthew Barrett
9. Julia Howe
10. Toby Dean
11. Dylan Schafter
12. Matthew Barrett
13. Jacob Dedman
14. Matthew Barrett
14. Jacob Dedman
14. Isabelle Rebetzke
17. Julia Howe
18. Julia Howe
19. Henry Openshaw
19. Julia Howe
Jarvis Smallman is an accomplished 14-year- old from the small community of Hopetoun Western Australia, who is lucky enough to call the beautiful Fitzgerald Biosphere home. In between the outdoors, beach and surf, he’s also developed a passion for photography.
“I was snorkelling at my favourite beach when I saw a curious head and two huge eyes poke out of the water,” he says. “I rushed back to the beach to grab my camera, and this seal came up close to say hello. I drifted with her down the current as the sun was setting over the ocean. Capturing the perfect shot was difficult as she was moving so fast, but everything lined up perfectly and I was able to nail this image. Such an amazing experience!”
DOUWE DIJKSTRA: This is a great cap- ture of this playful and inquisitive seal. It’s checking out the photographer en-
tering its domain, and I really love the half-half composition; below the surface we experience the beautiful underwa- ter world and the seal’s natural habitat, while above we see its proximity to the land. As a bonus, the sun peaking over the horizon adds some warmth – a nice contrast to the cold waters.
HILLARY YOUNGER: A creative capture of two worlds, above and below the water’s surface at a fleeting moment in time: the rising sun’s rays pierce the water and light up the dunes, just as the seal approaches the camera. Jarvis has nailed his timing and exposure, and created a beautifully balanced composition with visual inter- est both above and below the water’s sur- face as well. The seal’s direct gaze draws our attention, and adds a powerful emo- tional impact to the image.

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