Page 1 - Ingrid Diaz
P. 1
Creado por Ingrid Julieth Diaz Vargas
Once many years ago lives a young woman named Paola, she was very
unhappy in her life, because her parents had died years ago and she had she
had been left completely alone.
She didn´t like to be with another people, she was always at home, she liked
to organize his house, she was always cleaning up, she always washed her
clothes and prepare their food, it was a rather sad and lonely routine and there
were times when she wanted to disappear. One day she was in her usual
routine when suddenly someone knocked on the door, she was very surprised
as no one had very gone there, when she opened the door she was surprised
that he was a young man named Luis, he was quite attractive and transmitted
life, at that moment she felt scared but nevertheless let it pass, he introduced
himself and told her that he had been walking for a long time as he was on his
way to his mother´s house but at some point he lost the way.