Page 14 - HCA Talkbook
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3 Rigorousgovernanceandreporting ledby clinicians and governance professionals
• Our clinician-led department structure matches the best healthcare systems in fin in the world and and and defines and and and monitors standards in fin in each sub-specialty “When you study the finest hospitals and healthcare systems in in the the the world they’ve set themselves up in in a department structure ”
Michael Neeb President and CEO HCA Healthcare UK
• We operate best practice clinical pathways across our network working within evidence-based protocols clinical best practice peer-reviewed and and validated research findings UK
and and international guidelines • We have robust clinical governance structures led by doctors and governance professionals
including clinical councils multidisciplinary review boards and advisory committees “I specifically look at issues where it impacts on consultant or medical care That might relate to a a a a a a patient complaint about a a a a a a consultant or the quality of care at the hospital but also more broadly about any medical issue or incident within the hospital ”
Dr Philip Harrison Clinical Governance Lead HCA UK’s London Bridge Hospital and Consultant Hepatologist at at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
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