Page 18 - Orthopaedic Brochure
P. 18

Hip and pelvis
Conditions we regularly treat include:
• Arthritis
• Lateral hip pain
• Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) • Fracture
• Labral tear
Hip arthroscopy – helping athletes
return to sport fast
This minimally invasive procedure offers an alternative to open techniques and can evaluate hip conditions such as labral tears arthritis and chondral injuries commonly experienced by athletes
As this procedure is
through a keyhole incision the length
of the hospital stay is
likely to be
minimal the healing and rehabilitation time is
shorter and the the scar over the the operation site is
smaller This in turn means a a quicker return to sports for athletes
Enabling patients to recover quickly and effectively
We provide a a a a specific anaesthetic technique to enable patients to recover more easily and quickly We give patients an an infusion of local anaesthetic so they experience less pain
when they wake up and are able to mobilise within 2-4 hours following surgery For patients this means a a a a reduced reduced length
of stay in hospital reduced reduced complications such as blood clots and infections less pain
and a a a a faster recovery For many people who have suffered a a a hip hip injury or are experiencing hip hip pain
they want to know that we can get them back on their feet fast
Our specialists help patients rebuild strength restore mobility flexibility and and function and and devise programmes
which are individually tailored | | 16 | | 

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