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Volume 13 • Issue 7 • $5.00                  January 2017


                                                              ONCOLOGY                                                               EDUCATION

                                                  Nationally Renowned                                                                           Photo credit: FIU External Relations
                                                 Pediatric Surgeon Joins
                                             Palm Beach Children’s Hospital

                                                           BY VANESSA ORR

                                             Five months ago, Anne C. Fischer, M.D.,

                                             Ph.D., transitioned from her role as the sur-

                                             geon-in-chief at Beaumont Children’s Hospital

                Dr. Ralph Zagha              and the chief of pediatric surgery at William

A Message from                               Beaumont Hospital in Michigan to take on her

  the President                              new role as Tenet Florida’s regional medical                                                         Christina Cascante

 of the Broward                              director of pediatric surgery.                                                            FIU’s Master’s

 County Medical                              “My goal is to help build a multi-tier pro-                                                  Program

   Association                               gram with depth with advanced mid-level                                                      in Health

  EHR, CPOE, PQRI, ICD10, ACO,               providers and pediatric specialists,” she                                                   Informatics
MIPS (merit based incentive payment
system), MACRA (Medicare access and          explained. “Through this program, we will pro-                                               Expands
CHIP reauthorization act), MOC, bun-
dled payments, pay for performance,          vide minimally invasive surgery for newborns,                                             Opportunities
meaningful use. If you don't recognize
those terms, consider yourself lucky. All    as well as standard and more advanced thora-           Dr. Anne C. Fischer                 for Students
different programs with the same conno-      coscopic approaches to children.”
tation to the practitioner: more work, less                                                                                            As healthcare systems continue to
pay, and, more importantly, no patient       Dr. Fischer, who is board-certified by the                                              move forward with technological
benefit. Physicians are skeptical of gov-                                                                                            advances focused on improving care,
ernment initiatives rolled out under the     American Board of Pediatric Surgery and the American Board of Surgery, specializes      value and patient engagement, the oppor-
guise of improved patient care. Did the                                                                                              tunities for individuals trained in health
ICD 10 "upgrade" lead us toward the          in oncologic surgery for childhood malignancies; complex neonatal surgery with pre-     informatics are rapidly expanding. From
CMS goal of improving patient care,                                                                                                  electronic health records, to patient por-
access, and health while lowering costs?     natal counseling and intervention; advanced minimally invasive laparoscopy (MIS);       tals to mobile apps aimed at assisting
Likewise, does PQRI help provide better                                                                                              patients in controlling their health, new
patient care? Do electronic health records   video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) and NUSS surgery, a minimally invasive      sources of healthcare data are coming
allow for seamless access of patient                                                                                                 together. Turning this data into valuable
records among different offices or hospi-                                                           Continued on page 21             information for healthcare organizations,
tals?                                                                                                                                providers and patients is the challenge
                                                             COMMENTARY                                                              presented to Health Informatics profes-
  The mission of the Broward County                                                                                                  sionals.
Medical Association (BCMA), since            Puzzlement as the Game Changes
1926, is to promote and preserve the                                                                                                   Providing students with the analytical
highest standards of medical care and fos-      BY STEVEN G. ULLMANN, PHD                                                            skills and tools to meet this challenge is
ter the ethical principles of the medical                                                                                            the goal of Florida International
profession. It will be my goal as president  Given what I do for a living, I have been                                               University‘s Master’s degree program in
to uphold these principles and strive to                                                                                             Health Informatics and Analytics.
improve health care for our patients,        asked many times, “Are you for or against                                               Launched in 2012 by the Department of
providers and the community.                                                                                                         Information Systems and Business
                                             Obamacare?” My answer has been consistent                                               Analytics in FIU’s College of Business,
  One thing we can likely all agree upon                                                                                             graduates of the program have been met
is that our current health care system       … I firmly believe that one cannot be “for it”                                          with career opportunities in diverse
needs improving.                                                                                                                     healthcare organizations.
                                             and one cannot be “against it.” With a 2,000
                       Continued on page 12                                                                                                                    Continued on page 9
                                             plus page law and over 10,000 pages of rules,

                                             there are many elements of the law that appear

                                             to make a lot of sense, there are many aspects

                                             of the law that are problematic, and there are

                                             many aspects of the law which are in the gray

                                             area, their impact still to be determined.

                                             Indeed, those who have been major advocates

                                             of the law have now been confronted with the           Dr. Steven G. Ullmann
                                             shortcomings, and those advocating for the

                                             demise of the law are now indicating that they want to retain a number of significant

                                             elements of the law. And so, both sides of the argument are realizing and ironically

                                             coming to consensus that one cannot be “for it” and one cannot be “against it.”

                                             There is a game called “Jenga”, a game where players see a tower of wood blocks

                                             and take turns removing a block at a time, attempting to safeguard the tower of blocks

                                             from collapse.

                                             Perhaps this is the perfect metaphor for the policies being examined relating to the

                                             Affordable Care Act. Removing elements of the Affordable Care Act, or the entire set

                                                                                                    Continued on page 25

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