Page 122 - Test Issue Flip
P. 122

By Tamara Maynes
1. Cut 5 pieces of 7m[23ft] long rope. The inner rope. 2. Cut 1 piece of 43m[141ft] long rope. The outer rope.
78 metres of 6mm thick rope Measuring tape Sticky tape Sharp scissors 10cm diameter metal - wooden ring Craft glue
4. 5.
You now need to join your inner and outer rope before you start knotting. To do this, you will mount them onto a ring — this also gives you something to hang your finished sinnet with. First, find the middle of each individual rope length and match them all together at this point to form a bunch. Fold the whole bunch in half at the center point and thread through the ring. Secure the bunch to the ring with a single mounting knot.
Slip the ring over a hanging hook, or under a table leg, to free your hands so they can focus on knotting.
Find your outer rope amongst the bunch (these will be the two very long lengths) and gently maneuver one of them to the left of the inner rope, and the other to the right of the inner rope. Using these lengths, tie your first half knot around the entire bunch of inner rope, making sure to encase it entirely.
Continue to cover the remaining bunch of exposed inner rope by tying one half knot after another around it. As you get to your third or fourth knot, you will notice the braid begins to slightly twist naturally and will continue to form a spiral as you knot.
7. When you only have 30cm[11.8"] of inner rope left to cover, tie your last knot and secure with craft glue before removing any tape from the rope ends.
If the ends of your rope is prone to fraying when cut, wrap a piece of sticky tape around it to keep it neat. Once you are finished with making your sinnet, you can remove the tape.

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