Page 19 - RSCDS Toronto Golden Jubilee Book
P. 19

 Social Groups
 Lorna Larmour recalls that, as a youth, near the end of the dance season when the weather became hot, and the tree outside the church wasn’t so big, danc- ers entertained neighbourhood onlook- ers by holding classes on the lawn.
and, for a few years, a children’s class. He remained with the group until his retirement in 2004. Being awarded the Award of Scroll was the crowning glory and a fitting end to his distinguished career with Scarborough Scottish Country Dancers.
Under John’s tutelage, the Scarborough group grew to one of the largest groups in the Toronto Association, with a wonderful demonstration team which existed from 1973 to 1994. The team participated in many activities such as Gala Day, Caravan and the CNE, as well as performing in nursing homes, seniors’ residences and hospitals.
In those halcyon early
days, the fun and fel-
lowship enjoyed by the
members of the club
spilled over to include
extra-curricular activities
such as bowling nights,
curling nights, car rallies,
skating nights, golf tour-
naments and gala days.
Although we no longer
partake in these activities,
the same sense of enjoy-
ment and camaraderie,
synonymous with Scottish
Country Dancing, is still
shared by our present
members. Our annual Christmas dance is one of the highlights of the season’s festivities and is attended by many dancers from other clubs.
Scarborough Scottish Country Dancers retain that enduring quality of fellow- ship in the dance set by Tom and John, thanks to Donalda McDonald who took over as teacher in 2004. We look for- ward to celebrating our 50th anniver- sary four years from now.
. . . Jean Quinn
South Simcoe
Our Group was formed in September 2002 by Grace Graham and David Wilson. It was strongly supported by the remaining active dancers from the former Orangeville Scottish Country Dance group, which had closed on the previous April.
The unique challenge of starting a class without a full-time teacher was solved by having a roster of certified guest
teachers who taught technique and dances every second week, and fill-in teachers who taught only dances every other week. Our group has a commit- tee which organizes this as well as supplying a location and looking after the finances. This system works so well that we still use it even though we now have a permanent teacher.
Carole Skinner taught for two years from September 2003. She brought
to us, all the way from Scarborough, her very casual style of teaching and wonderful sense of humour and helped mould us into the South Simcoe SCD. Maureen Richardson took over from
  Today, Rosedale tradition contin-
ues under the teaching direction of Moira Korus and Teresa Lockhart. Rosedale dancers continue to perform at Community events, nursing homes and attend RSCDS monthly and special dance functions.
 A Rosedale Team
In 1961 Scarborough was little more than a wasteland devoid of any entertainment, when Tom and Marg Cunningham moved here and founded the Scarborough group. Not only was Tom the first teacher, but he was also responsible for starting Dancing in the Park, in Edwards Gardens. Marg is still a valued member of the group. John Christie took over from Tom in 1968 teaching on Monday and Friday nights
Margaret & John Christie (wall hanging made by John)
Carole in September 2005. Once again we have a great teacher and superb dancer for our group. She teaches every second week, with guest teach- ers coming from within our group and other RSCDS groups.
We meet at Knox Church Hall in Alliston, from September until May on Friday evenings from 7.30 p.m. until
10 p.m. Our dancers hail from all over the area including Orillia, Nobleton, Tottenham, Queensville, Creemore, Mono Mills, Barrie, and Alliston. Ours
is an active and welcoming group
and our activities include a Christmas Dance, a Spring Dance, and an always very well attended Valentine Workshop. We also perform demonstration dances at various times throughout the year.
All levels of dancers, including newcom- ers, are welcome.
. . . David Wilson
 Sandra Binns-Johnstone with Rosedale Team

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