Page 23 - RSCDS Toronto Golden Jubilee Book
P. 23

 Social Groups
 parties were not to be missed. Although she was a member of the committees inaugurating the West Toronto Ball and West End Workshop, she kept a very low profile and was happiest teaching her classes and spreading the joy of Scottish Country Dancing wher-
ever she could, as well as shar- ing her often hilarious memories of dancing with Jean Anderson’s demonstration team. With the constant support of her husband, Ed, Jessie encouraged experi- enced dancers from Toronto and elsewhere, as well as members of the West Acres Social Club who had in most cases never danced before, to join in the relaxed atmosphere on Monday mornings. It worked!
Whilst there had been a children’s class in Mississauga under the tute- lage of Mary Morris in the 1970s, the current class was established in 1983
Children’s Group
The Woodglen Children's Group came into existence in 2002, at a suggestion from Mark Derry, who was enjoying taking Scottish Country Dance lessons with the Woodglen adult class. Mark, the father of four daughters, felt that a local group for children would be great for the community. He and Betty Baker approached Sandra Scott, who agreed to be the teacher. Betty and Mark then co-ordinated the running of the group. The group dances for one hour each week on Fridays from 7:00 to 8:00 prior to the Adult Group. Attendance over the following five years has aver- aged about ten to twelve dancers.
The group has successfully participated in yearly festivals, Burns Suppers, Dancing in the Park, monthly dances, and, this past year, the Third Annual Youth Ball. The youth dancers also dance at Woodglen's afternoon tea.
At their public performances, the Woodglen children have a tradition
of dancing with the Woodglen men. It goes over well with the audience, the girls, and the Woodglen men.
.. . . Betty Baker
The Woodglen group was founded
by Vi Knight in the mid-1980s, at Fallingbrook Presbyterian Church. They grew in numbers and in quality through Vi’s excellent teaching. Members from that time have many fond memories
of annual Burns Night Suppers at the church and many demonstrations in
the community.
   On Jessie’s death in 2005, Nora Sutherland took over the class
and has tried to keep the same
spirit within the class – no pressure, enjoy the dancing, the music, and the people. Nora, incidentally, had been encouraged by Jessie in 1985 to take her teaching exams in order to take over the Mississauga Group when Jessie moved back to Bloorlea.
Jessie Bryden, Douglas Stephen, ?, ?, Wes Clindinning
The West Acres group participates annually with a demonstration at the West Acres Social Club Burns Night, and the end-of-season party has proved
to be very successful. Some members have also been part of the mass dem- onstration at the Georgetown Highland Games.
. . . .Nora Sutherland
Whigmaleeries at Carassauga, 1994
with Betty Pellegrin as its teacher. The group was subsequently renamed "Whigmaleeries" and has been taught since 1989 by Keith Bark, later joined by Deirdre MacCuish Bark and Ishbel Thomson.
The children’s class has varied in size from its initial few children up to over five sets, and it continues to vary in size each year, depending on the current trend of youngsters.
The group has regularly performed demonstrations at seniors’ homes, the Scottish Pavilion at Carassauga, and the Georgetown Highland Games. The class has also been featured on television a number of times.
At one time, there were enough boys for Bob Blackie to come and teach them the Sword Dance of Papa Stour. A special set of lighter-weight swords was made for them by Jim Waugh, and the boys impressed many people with their performance of the dance.
Several of the early dancers have now grown into adults and attend adult classes. We also have surprise visits by former dancers returning home from university or college, keen to see who is still dancing and to catch up on the gossip!
. . . Keith and Deirdre Bark
 Woodglen Youth at 1995 Christmas Dance:
Jemma Cuthbert, Elizabeth & Siobahn Derry, Amanda Scott

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