Page 54 - RSCDS Toronto Golden Jubilee Book
P. 54

 made up of one family! What a won- derful experience and opportunity to bring whole families together and have fun doing it.
Then there is the family that keeps growing – the Scottish Country Dance family. Dancers have become close family friends and adoptive parents.
I have gained another "mother" over the years, as have many others who danced with our group. We have even on occasion been known to call her Mother and her husband Dad. You know who you are.
I can recall going on a family holi- day, with another family, who also happened to be dancers. One of the
activities that we participated in was square dancing – how hard can that be for dancers? Well, when you have six dancers in the set (one of whom was
a teacher) who try to do an allemande or a promenade as they were taught,
it just doesn't work. Total confusion
– when we did an allemande, we were doing a promenade and vice versa – or at least that ís what we were told. As
a result of the hilarity this caused, we were asked to demonstrate Scottish Country Dancing!
“Scottish Country Dancing truly is a Ring of Friendship.”
Sandra remembers attending her first ball at age twelve or thirteen in
Scarborough, and that it was the first time she ever danced The Irish Rover. Since her partner was Uncle Ken Inglis (A SCD teacher), she thought, "That’s okay – Uncle Ken will know the dance and I just won’t worry about it." When their turn came, Uncle Ken went blank. We never moved! I didn’t dance The Irish Rover for years after that.
. . . Sandra Scott,
[Ed note: Sandra's parents, Margaret and David Williamson and Sandra's daugh- ter, Amanda Scott, are/were all Scottish Country dancers.]
  Extraordinary Folk
                                                                                       Award of Scroll
Recipients nominated by Toronto are:
1984 Bob Campbell (nominated by Toronto and TAC) 1992 Iain Macfarlane
1998 Bob Blackie
1999 Betty and David Grant
2000 Frances Gray
2004 Georgina Finlay
2005 John Christie
2007 May Macfarlane
Related to Toronto:
1983 John Wevers (nominated by TAC)
1994 Arthur and Jean Douglas (nominated by Hamilton) 1997 Jim Stephen (nominated by Florida North) 2004 Bobby Brown (nominated by Kingston)
2005 Stan Hamilton (nominated by London)
2005 Ruth Jappy (nominated by Vancouver)

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