Page 60 - RSCDS Toronto Golden Jubilee Book
P. 60

  Richard Arthur Simon Dick Simon was a WW II veteran who served as an officer on the frigate HMCS Stonetown in the North Atlantic. He claimed he suffered hearing loss when a large gun exploded. He worked at the Toronto Star for 45 years as an Editorial Artist and retired in 1975. Among his acquaintances at the Star were Ernest Hemingway, Gregory Clark, Gordon Sinclair, and Gary Lautens.
One of Dick’s drawings, a sketch of Scottish dance partners turning by
the right hand, is on the cover of The Canadian Book of Scottish Country Dances (December 1977) by John Drewry. This book also contains the Drewry dances, Salute to Miss Milligan, a tribute to her work marking the Golden Jubilee of the RSCDS, and Glayva, in which Drewry created and introduced the Espagnole progression. Dick drew original dia- grams of Scottish Country dances to help visual learners figure out where to
Dick Simon
go when learning the dances. He, along with his wife Mary and daughter Lynne, started dancing at Hillcrest in 1976,
but at the end of 1992 he had stopped dancing because of lower back trou- bles. He was born in Montreal on April 7, 1910 and died in Toronto on October 5, 2004, in his 95th year.
. . . Donald Holmes
David Arikado: "I am very grateful"
David Arikado was an enthusiastic member of RSCDS for over 50 years. He danced with John & Margaret Christie in Scarborough from the mid- ‘60s to the 1990s. He also danced with other groups. Even when he stopped dancing regularly, he would come
to Scarborough’s end-of-season and Christmas events. When younger, he would go with the Scarborough Group on the Caribbean trips they used to organize.
David took beautiful photographs of many dance activities, including Gala Days, Children’s Festivals, and the Tartan Ball. He used to hand out print- ed copies to those he had captured on film. Some of his photos appear in this 50th Anniversary book. Below, is a let- ter David recently sent to Margaret and John Christie.
Dear Margaret and John,
Over 2-1/2 year I have missed news of Scottish Country Dance since I moved into Yee Hong geriatric. Total of 375 Chinese and 25 Japanese residents. They take good care of us.
In a way, using wheel chair and lost way of conversation. Over fifty years of Scottish Country Dancing kept me alive for 93 years. I am very grateful for many people
I dance with and your superb teaching. I send $1000 donation to Toronto Scottish Country Dance Society Headquarter.
. . . Your sincerely, David Arikado
   David Arikado
 Teachers’ Chain
Miss Jean Milligan,
co-founder of the RSCDS, was Teacher Candidate Examiner for . . .
 Miss Isabelle MacPherson,
who taught the Teacher Candidates, including . . .
 Mrs. Frances Gray,
who taught the Teacher Candidates, including . . .
Mrs. Jean Noble,
who took over the Teacher Candidate class as Frances Gray became an Examiner. Jean taught the class which included . . .
 Mrs. Teresa Lockhart
(née Kowalczyk),
who was ajudicated for her Preliminary Certificate by Frances Gray, and received her Full Certificate in 2007. Teresa is teaching . . ..
 Miss Hannah Stein,
who would like to become a Scottish Country Dance teacher one day.

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