Page 7 - SCHS Probate Records
P. 7

Beckman, John Beckwith, Abijah Beery, David Behn, George Behn, George Behn, Mary
Behn, William J. Behrens, George T. Behrens, Henry Bellone, Jacob Bender, Frank S.
Bender, George Bender, Michael Benedict, Eber Bennett, Albert H. Bennett, Albert Bennett, Cutting Bennett, Stephen W Bennett, William J, Jr Bennett, William J. Benson, Almeron Benson, Lucinda Bentley, Monroe Benton, Ezra
Benton, Sophrona Berger, Christina Bergis, Peter
Bergman, H.O.
Bergmann, Henry Bernaman(n), Emma Bernaman(n), Herman Berneman, Emma Berry, William
Best, Jacob
Best, Sebastian Bethke, Friedrick Bethke, William Bethscheider, Jacob Beukers, Aaron Beyer, August
Bick, Henry
Bierline, Leonard Bierman(n), Heinrich
Box 32 Box 109 Box 32 Box 154 Box 69 Box 140 Box 121 Box 131 Box 99 Box 106 Box 144
Box 15 Box 8 Box 86 Box 139 Box 4 Box 1a Box 29 Box 106 Box 146 Box 64 Box 105 Box 136 Box 7 Box 104 Box 38 Box 142
Box 163
Box 104 Box 125 Box 105 Box 125 Box 44 Box 44 Box 50 Box 52 Box 65 Box 101 Box 8 Box 76 Box 8 Box 8 Box 59
Probate Records Guardianship
Probate Records
Probate Records Guardianship
Probate Records
Probate Records
Probate Records Guardianship
Probate Records
In re: Heirship and Illegitimate Child
Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records
Probate Records Guardianship
Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records
In re: Estate of Lucretia Burgess
Special Administrator; killed when
Guardianship Guardianship Guardianship Guardianship
Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records Probate Records

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