Page 24 - Journey Seasons Magazine Spring 2020
P. 24

In a span of three years I lived in three different states. We moved from my hometown of Seattle, Washington, to Los Angeles in 2013 (while three months pregnant!), and in 2016 moved from Los Angeles here to Worcester (while seven months pregnant!). Each move rendered a loss of "home" -- leaving friends, family, and familiarity behind -- but also a chance to re-envision what home could mean.
I discovered that, as an artist and an introvert, “home” could be any place where I could find beauty and peace. Seattle -- surrounded by salt water, lakes, towering mountains, and old growth forests -- offered majestic views at every turn. In busy, bustling Los Angeles, I found a quiet community garden full of exotic succulents and a small orange grove that served as a refuge to me. Here in New England, beauty is abundant, but with three small children, peace is a little harder to come by. Now, "home" looks like the corner of my art studio that overflows with plants and jars of paint brushes, or pausing to enjoy our favorite artwork on our walls.
The piece I am submitting is my rendition of Seattle and the rhythm of water, mountains, and trees that will always feel like home to me.
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