Page 22 - Nupas Having an Abortion
P. 22

                Before leaving the clinic your aftercare arrangements will be discussed and you will be given an Aftercare Pack containing:
• Aftercareleaflet
• Contraceptionleaflet • Condoms
• Pregnancytestingkit
We advise all our clients regardless of gestation (stage of pregnancy) to repeat a pregnancy test after 4 weeks. It is very important to use the first sample of urine
you pass that day. The pregnancy testing kit is in your Aftercare Pack. You must contact the clinic immediately if your result is positive.
• Quickprocedure
• Highsafetyrecordandsuccessrate
• Youcaneatanddrinkbeforethetreatment • Youcandriveacarfollowingtreatment
Risks of surgical abortions include:
• Damagetothewomb(1-4in1000cases) • Damagetothecervix(1in100cases)
• Haemorrhage(1in1000cases)
• Infection
• Retainedproductsofpregnancy • Riskoffailure(1-2in100cases)
T: 0333 004 6666 T: (01) 874 0097 (Eire)

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