Page 2 - NG Fall Newsletter
P. 2
Managing The Master's Assets WRITTEN BY BILL LOHNES
The word Oikonomia is an ancient Greek word meaning administration, management and stewardship. It is the root word for economy. In God's economy, we are managers of His resources. Good stewards by nature are generous and joyful; directing His resources extravagantly toward His purposes and for His people to enjoy.
The Biblical Definition of a Steward: The manager of the resources belonging to another to achieve the owner's objectives and goals.
Living a generous life and being a good steward of our resources is something that God wants for us and not from us. There is freedom in being a good steward of our time, treasures
and talents.
Here are two reflection questions:
1) Am I using resources entrusted to me in accordance with the Owner's wishes?
2) Am I becoming best friends with the Owner while managing His resources?
“Generosity has little or nothing to do with how much money you have or how far along you perceive yourself to be on your spiritual journey. In fact, I was shocked to learn that being generous has much more to do with being smart, shrewd, wise, and
deliriously happy. In a word, I discovered that generosity is genius!”
― Chip Ingram, Genius of Generosity