Page 7 - NG Fall Newsletter
P. 7

  Rita Felice joined Narrow Gate in October 2020 as the Director of Operations.
She served as a Children’s Pastor for 14 years. The last 5 years she has been the Director of Children’s Ministry overseeing all of the operations and functions of a large ministry. During her tenure she developed and implemented a disciple-making culture among children and families. Hundreds of children came to know Jesus as their personal Savior and began a discipleship process fueled by a partnership with parents and dedicated small groups leaders.
Rita comes to Narrow Gate with a passion to disciple and mentor disciple-makers for Jesus, and credits Bill and Paula Lohnes with fueling that passion through their personal mentoring and discipling of her for the last 10 years. Rita and her husband Marc have been married for 35 years, have served in ministry together for much of that time and are blessed with 2 adult children who love and follow Jesus. Their greatest joy is to know their children are walking in the Truth. (3 John 1:4)

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