Page 2 - Beep Beep January 22
P. 2
1 JANUARY 2022
Hi Everyone
I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas, catching up with family and friends, and wish everyone a happy and safe New Year.
Despite the challenges of 2021 and COVID the Club still managed to have a very active and successful year.
We managed to complete 42 events including our very successful Charity Car Show raising in excess of $12,500.00 for Katie Rose Cottage Hospice as well as the Inaugural Distinguished Gentlemens Drive which raised In excess of $15,500.00 for Movember and men's health.
We should all be very proud of this effort and the good part is that these are events we would hold anyway and by-in-large the funds raised don't come from members pockets.
We now look forward to the year ahead and the exciting events that are already planned.
I look forward to seeing everyone participating and enjoying the social activities provided and making new friends.
Please stay safe on the roads and enjoy the holiday season.
On behalf on the Management Committee, I would like to wish all members
and their families a very
Happy New Year.
I look forward to seeing you at our next events. I can be contacted any time on...
Phone: 0412 513 241
Email: Remember this is Your Club !
The club for the true ‘Social Car Enthusiast’.