Page 14 - GRIT-83
P. 14

450 MX / 3RD
>> With much of the country in an absolute blanket of humidity, there were riders in atten- dance who had their  ngers crossed for a relieving bit of weather. They yearned for a cool, ocean like breeze; something to aid them once the going truly got tough. However, for riders like Justin Barcia, he would be willing and ready to acclimate to any adverse conditions thrown at him. Thankfully though, he relished in the light of pleasant temperatures, knowing that his outright speed, could outlast many in the  eld; if not everyone. The quali cation rounds were a place where he could try a bit of everything, toying with numerous outside to inside combina- tions, and vice versa. He was using his legs as an additional set of suspension, the quadriceps muscles as shock absorbers’, when landing out of the sky, on jumps like “the leap.” He knew he would have to be ef cient come time for the moto’s, so after the gate fell, it was a  ght for conservation. The pace he was running at  rst was ridiculous; the leaders seemed to be on one page, not necessarily hitting the exact lines, but mimicking how each other  ew around the raceway. Somehow, someway, he managed to stay intact down these hills in the outbound section, although getting a bit loose with the rear end on multiple occasions. With riders like Heath Harsison behind, he knew he had to sustain a pace that was anything but marginable; otherwise, the pack would close in. He continued to climb from this horrendous start. Although many from the outside looking in, saw a bit of frantic antics here and there, it was just simply his way of toggling between a pushing effect, and conservative riding, never straying away from his foundational roots. The track, almost a giant sea of canals, ravines, and absurd moguls, was deteriorating more and more as the laps grew on. It would help him to establish a  nal gap, between he and Blake Baggett; where he would place fourth. The glue of his riding style mended his overall pairing of the moto’s, beginning with a solid start to the second race. Skying over tabletop in the bottom, he would take a quick glance over his right shoulder, know- ing Justin Hill was in his immediate surroundings. It would cause a spike of adrenaline, with their battles in the series thus far, being a bit of a precursor. He wouldn’t shy away from a gun-  ght, bringing all in his arsenal to withstand the tale of the tape. He would  ourish, the closer Hill got to him, eventually leaving him stranded in a remote position behind. His focus would shift towards Ken Roczen, who he would hound, until the absolute bitter last lap; the move would then be made! Second place was then his for the taking! Ecstatic, knowing he secured a bounty-sum of points, third overall was now his claim to fame for the weekend.
   14 GRITMOTO • JULY 1, 2018

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