Page 30 - GRIT-83
P. 30
450 MX / 9TH
>> Looking back at all of the historic races throughout this event’s history, you’re quick to note, just how notorious and symbolic these grounds are. A plethora of battles that’ll be told as wise tales to the end of time, along with momentous jumps and turns that
are echoed all throughout bench racing across the nation. It’s a one of a kind setting, and something that has motivated Weston Peick. Lover’s of the sport, viewed this is an archaic relic, mimicking that of a pristine museum or memorial; however, this landscape was still alive and popping, with Peick performing numerous theatrical works. Coming into the leap for practice, he would hug the left wall to the outside, letting his rear end hang a tad off the left edge of the seat. Compensating for the shift in leverage, at the last second, he would push the leaning side of his body into the chassis, and send the machine sideways to the right; of course, getting the crowd on their feet the entire time. Once landed, it was back to the throttle, nearly breaking the handlebars with a “Loctite- like” grip. He had the raw speed, if he could just relax for the moto’s to come. He had an excellent groove going to begin the moto, on the track with the best in the eld. Adapting a sense of tunnel vision, everything around him seemed to go quiet. The fans and other riders on the track were of nonexistence to him. He was just trying to hit his marks as best he could; and it would pay off. One point during the moto, the laser-like trance was cracked by Jake Nicholls. But once he began to pull yet again, the bubble of tranquility would arise. It was all that was needed to come across the line with a whopping eighth place, looking forward to an astounding effort for the second moto. As they took off the line for the dual portion of racing format, it was all he could do to keep the stallion tamed off the line. With a soft racing surface, they would immediately wedge into lines off the start straight. He had to pick his marks wisely, otherwise he risked being sucked into a log jam effect. Choosing a remarkable amount of inside lines, including the inside roller at the bottom of the start straight, you saw where his analytical skills would relish. He would eventually begin to pull from the duel involving Cody Cooper; displaying his ability to adapt and overcome. By the time the checkered ag ew, he cemented his position of eleventh, with a nal cumulative score of ninth overall.
30 GRITMOTO • JULY 1, 2018