Page 34 - GRIT-83
P. 34
250 MX / 1ST
>> The Star Spangled Banner playing in the background, reworks lighting up the night sky, and the sound of motorcycles being revved to the hilt, is a perfectly meshed combination that’s absolutely adored by thousands of race fans. And they can nd it in one, speci c location; that of the Red Bud Motocross Track and Trail. A facility that couldn’t be more American to the core, providing an exhibi- tion that’s defying as can be to every sense of mankind. It’s an event that Aaron Plessinger em- braces; and as he continues to ride a surge of momentum throughout the tour, he knows that he can cap off a holiday week with a phenomenal victory. Throughout practice, he was one to marginalize line selection, taking a lap every now and then to study with analytical intent. He knew the competi- tion, and didn’t mean to disregard them as nonexistent, however he was solely focused on his own lane, and which places he could generate the greatest amount of time. And boy did it pay off for the opening portion of the rst moto, where he could be found in third place; the track would already begin to sponge all of the surround moisture, hardening into a mold that simply forced the riders into submission. Yet he wasn’t bowing down, never taking a negative repercussion as the nal answer. Battling with Austin Forkner, the two really put on a pace that couldn’t be matched by many. Ripping through the rollers in the high end of fourth gear, the fans were on the fences waving towels as hard as humanly possible. Forkner made an attempt at a pass before the y away, getting the job done; and seemed to push Plessinger to the way side. Fighting back quick, Plessinger went to the inside, just before the tabletop, and would clean out the front wheel of the Kawasaki. He would then capture the lead for his own. And just like that, the two lap board turned into a majestic white ag, waving with a heap of anticipation. The checkered was just around the corner, and with that, he brought home the rst place ride. He would have to pair the rst moto nish, with another nearly identical performance, if he wanted to leave Red Bud as king. And just like that, the eld took underway, and he emerged from the storm of the rst lap with a solid outlook for an overall. It wasn’t easy, as Joey Savatgy was keeping him in check, and he would hear the faint crackle of the opposition whenever the engine would quietly subdue for a split second, while entering the gigantic inside ruts. His focus, would remain forward, reading the sign of halfway, and so forth. With the technique remaining as sound
as ever, he knew in the back of his head that the nal laps must be close, although Austin Forkner’s reminder from behind made it seem like eternity. He would take it all in, reading the pit board on the nal go around, reciting “One Last Time.” And that was it, holding on for dear life, he popped over the nish line with hands in the air, his team searching to be hugged within his grasp. With a rst place nish in this moto, rst overall was his; and he couldn’t have wrote the script any better.
34 GRITMOTO • JULY 1, 2018