Page 46 - GRIT-83
P. 46

250 MX / 6TH
>> Rolling into the entrance of Red Bud, many were quick to note the lush green grass, per- fectly striped and manicured. The roads leading into the facility were pristine, and the paths line with exceptionally pristine banners and signs. However, the true spectacle of the show was this layout, seemingly etched into the side of the hill. Absolutely perfect batter, concocted and arranged with high quality machinery, had every rider who’d signed up, salivating for
the chance to ride. Chase Sexton looked at this track with all silverware in hand, ready to devour for practice. His tire, acting as a sleek steak knife, would slice any every portion of raceway he came across. Chopping up these rollers and breaking bumps (that were already developing), his suspension would allow him to attack with malicious intent. He had nothing but positive words to say about the bike, once back under the awning, and looked forward to capitalizing on this track he was privileged to compete on. Moto number one was under way, and you could see his positive attitude translating towards a rather pleasant start. Flinging through the tearoff stack, just prior to “the Leap”, he glanced to his right, and saw the pack that ravaged behind him. But he wouldn’t let it get to him, knowing that he most focus forward, in a green-light type fashion. Feeling a tad bit of heat from Cameron McAdoo about midway, he just knew he couldn’t break, otherwise he was afraid a domino effect would ensue. He would hold strong, cementing his feet into the foot pegs, and squeezing the lights out of the sub-frame; you could actually see the wear of his boot, rubbing off pieces of metal! There was no shortage of tension throughout his body as the moto went on, therefore he would be able to hold off Jordon Bailey; he would  nish eleventh. It was time to determine the running order for the second moto, and he quickly tried to situate himself to begin. Leaping the tunnel jump in the bottom on lap number one, it was hairy trying to out distance himself through traf c, but he was willing to take chances; it was a must if he wanted a solid overall  nish. These ruts were beginning to be outrageous, and at times, the inside line was beginning to slow down. Prior to the  rst uphill, outbound section, he started to go outside. Really leaning the motor- cycle to the right, and choosing to hurl himself onto the straightaway, rather than inch around the hay bales. He and Justin Cooper had a battle going on, yet lines like these allowed him
to steadily creep away, for the races conclusion. As the  nal  ag  ew, he placed sixth, strong enough for sixth overall.
   46 GRITMOTO • JULY 1, 2018

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