P. 27

“once I was in the
up for sure. I was a Kawi guy; I grew up on Kawasakis and I actually raced Kawasaki mini bikes when I was a kid before they had the KX series. It was just an enduro and
we had to modify it -- my cousin worked at a Kawasaki shop so I got a discount on all the parts. We had that thing so tricked out; we did all kinds of work on that thing, it was unbelievable.
Is that kind of what inspired what you do now with collecting and restoring Kawasaki bikes?
Exactly. About fifteen years ago I found a guy that actually has Gary Semics’ SR250 works bike and that opened up a whole new door for me, because you can’t really buy works bikes anywhere. As soon as I got that bike, I started getting emails from people that I’ve never heard of before saying “Hey, I know where this bike is. I know a guy who’s got the front end of this bike.” Once I got a works bike, it was like a key club -- once I was in the club then I was in the club. It’s allowed me to find quite a few old works bikes, so that’s my main collection now.
I don’t have hardly any production bikes anymore, I just collect the old works bikes. >>
club then I was in the club.

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