Page 59 - GRITIssue89
P. 59

Meanwhile now, his racing platform would consists of
gigantic leaps, and obstacles never quite seen before, all in front of hundreds of thousands
of fans. But Marchbanks felt ready, and you could sense it with his stoic demeanor aboard the line for practice. Hitting his marks with excellent craftsmanship, he would come into the mechanics area for a brief chat, discussing what needed to be tweaked. And with a quick change on the fly, he would push his time
up the leaderboard, where he would easily transfer into the night show. For the heat
race, an eighth place start would have him in the midst of practice and be forced to move forward in a quick fashion. Trying his best to follow the trail of teammate, Adam Cianciarulo, the two Kawasaki’s would blaze forward despite a sea of riders all around. Working his way in front of Michael Mosiman, Marchbanks would reside in a respectable sixth by the end of the moto. For the main event, Marchbanks would hover around the seventh place spot to begin. With the track really beginning to show it’s dampened roots, the dirt would present a slick base underneath and Garrett would be forced to adapt. With an upright stature, he began to sit a little bit further back on the seat, as he didn’t want to force the issue of washing the front end. It would work, as he would
come to close proximity with RJ Hampshire. Following the savvy veteran, he would weasel his way through lap traffic, always sly in finding creative lines. He would reap the reward of staying relatively clean, going on to take a solid sixth to finish the night.
honestly can’t truly be prepared for. Long gone are the small confines of Arenacross, or the measly jumps and limited technicality
of the amateur motocross circuit.
AnAheim ONE

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