Page 2 - Franchisee Welcome Guide
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  FRANCHISEE CHECKLIST FRANCHISING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ➢ APPLICATION STAGE  Application Submitted  Credit Score & Full Summary Report Submitted  Government ID Submitted  Criminal Record Submitted  Bank Statement Submitted (if applicable) ➢ INTERVIEW & APPROVAL  MBI Overview Interview (Application Discussion)  MBI Interview (Development Department)  MBI Interview (Operations Department)  MBI Interview(s) (Any other applicable departments) ➢ DOCUMENT STAGE  Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) Received  Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) Receipt Submitted  14-day Due Diligence Completed ➢ FINANCING STAGE 1  Financing Discussions with Bank  Pre-approval Confirmation  Financing Presentation (if applicable) ➢ POST-DISCLOSURE  Articles of Incorporation Submitted  Shareholder Agreement Submitted  Lawyers Information Submitted  Franchise Agreement (FA) Signed  Franchise Fee Paid ➢ FINANCING STAGE 2  Financing Complete  Letter of Financing Approval  Site Determined (where applicable)   2 

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