Page 7 - Franchisee Welcome Guide
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  FINANCING OPTIONS Mary Brown’s Inc does not provide financing options. However, we have solidified financing programs with the following institutions;       BDC CIBC TD Dharsaan Pathmanathan Mike Marshall Terry Thrower Senior Account Manager Sr. Director, CIBC Business Banking National Franchise Manager M. 905-268-0008 M. 416-844-2678 O: 416 983-4556 M: 647-447-4928     BMO    Tanya Teetzel   Program Manager/North American Industry Sector/Franchise Finance     O.416-927-6026 M. 647-239-6547     Meridian (Ontario Only)    Jeff Thomas   Manager, Franchising     O. 905-988-4042 x 2304 M. 905-321-9322         For further information on financing options, please attend our Financial Webinar hosted by one of our Financing Partners, Kotra Financing.   7 

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