Page 57 - Learn English
P. 57

Asking for and making clarification
Before making decision on which product or service to choose, we as consumers need to ask for clarification so that we understand the product or service that we are going to get. When seeking for clarifications, we should get clear and sufficient explanation and information. We should also check and verify our understanding.
Below are some useful expressions that can be used in different situations.
     I beg your pardon. Would you mind repeating that?
   Let me reiterate .../ Let me elaborate ...
  May I interrupt? Could you say that again, please?
 What I mean is ... / What I meant was ...
  Pardon me./Excuse me. What was that again?
 Do you understand so far?/ Are you following me?
  I’m sorry, I didn’t get the last part. Could you please clarify?
 Do you see what I mean?/ Have I made myself clear?
  I didn’t get it. Could you please elaborate?
 Did you get that?/ Did you catch that?
  Let me see if I have that right. .... Is that correct?
 Does that make sense to you?/ Am I making sense?
  If I understand the terms correctly. .... Is that right?
 Have you got that? / Got it?
  I am not sure if I got your point. Do you mean ...
 Is that clear now?/ Am I clear enough?
  (Use question tags) Isn’t it? Doesn’t it? Don’t they?
 OK so far? / Understood?
  (Impolite) Huh? You lost me.
 (Impolite) ... right? / ... yes?

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