Page 13 - IAV Digital Magazine #551
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iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Man Who ‘Hasn't Stopped Farting For Five Years' Sues Food Stall For £200k Over Ham Roll
A dad is suing a food stall
for £200,000 as he claims he has- n't stopped farting since eating
a ham sandwich five years ago.
Tyrone Prades, 46, bought the sandwich in December 2017 during a visit to the Birmingham
Christmas market with his wife and kids.
His lawyers told the High
Court that he suf- fered stomach cramps, fever, vomiting and diar- rhea within hours eating it.
He claims to have been bedridden for five weeks
with salmonella.
The lawyers added that Prades has had regular and uncontrollable flatulence ever since, embarrass- ing him in public and waking him up at night.
His lawyer, Robert Parkin, told the court that
Prades' stomach continued to make awkward rumbling noises after the illness subsided.
Parkin said: "The claimant contin- ues to suffer from excessive flatu- lence, which causes him a great deal of embarrassment.
"The symptoms are, primarily, fatigue and altered bowel function associat- ed with 'churning' within his abdomen and flat- ulence.
"The claimant's stomach contin- ues to make fre- quent churning noises to the extent his sleep can become dis- rupted.
"The extent of the symptoms has been life-chang- ing."
The lawyer also alleged that the stall in question was closed and deep-cleaned fol- lowing a Public Health England investigation.
Other customers who bought food at the market reportedly fell ill.
Prades' case hinges on whether or not the flooring com- pany boss was suffering from sal- monella.
Philip Davy, the barrister for Frankfurt Christmas Market Ltd - which served the ham
sandwich - admit- ted council envi- ronmental health officers found e.coli on a knife, but no salmonel- la.
He also said that, as Prades has not claimed he suffered from an e.coli infection, he must prove the salmonella allega- tion to receive the payout.
Frankfurt Christmas Market Ltd denies blame but the case will now go to trial.
Rory Badenoch, another of Prades' lawyers, said that the £200,000 figure could rise consid- ering the ongoing impact on him.
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine