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iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Mother Alleges Racial Discrimination By Mascot At Chuck E. Cheese In Wayne, N.J.
By Danielle Wiener- Bronner, CNN Business
New York (CNN Business)Bad news
for Halloween enthusiasts. This year, you might be out of luck in the candy aisle.
"We will not be able to fully meet consumer demand," for the October holiday, warned Hershey CEO Michele Buck in prepared remarks about the company's second-quarter results Thursday. The problem? Consumers are demanding more
regular and Halloween- themed candy than Hershey can make, at least right now.
Many consumer goods manufac- turers have been struggling to meet surging demand for their products during the pandemic, especially with the ongoing sup- ply chain issues. That's meant that they've had to reduce produc- tion of certain less popular items or, as in the case of
the late, great Choco Taco, cut them altogether.
Hershey is in the same boat.
Demand for sweets surged during the pan- demic and has remained high. Meanwhile inter- est in Halloween has only gotten stronger. That's bittersweet news for Hershey, which has seen its sales spike — the company reported double- digit sales growth in the quarter compared to last year -— but it has also had to make some pro- duction sacri- fices.
WAYNE, N.J. -- A video is circulat- ng on Twitter by
a mom who says her daughter was racially discrimi- nated against at a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant in New Jersey.
According to the person who recorded the
video, the incident happened on Saturday in Wayne. Someone dressed as the Chuck E. Cheese mascot was seen giving kids high- fives, but then skipped her daughter.
The woman claims the white
kids were acknowledged, while her daugh- ter, who is Black, was ignored.
CBS2 reached out to Chuck E. Cheese for com- ment, but has not yet heard back.
Hershey Says It Won't Be Able To Meet Halloween Demand

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