Page 6 - iAV Digital Edition #398
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The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
Are Carbs The New Cigarettes?
Pat Duggan & Jean Enersen
The study from Texas University MD Anderson Cancer Center found that eating a diet high in certain carbs like white bread an bagels may-- and that's the operative word-- may increase your risk for lung cancer- -even if you've never been a smoker.
Researchers compared about 2,000 patients with lung cancer to 2,500 without. Non-smokers whose diets had a high glycemic index were more than two times more likely to be diag- nosed with lung cancer than non-smokers with a low one.
"What this study showed –I think for the first time—is that a higher glycemic index or glycemic load may be associated with increased lung cancer risk, “ said Fred Hutchinson researcher Marian Neuhouser.
Glycemic index is key, she says, because not all carbs are alike.
“Foods that are high on the glycemic index are
those that have very little fiber.”
Think white bread, white rice--foods that cause a sharp rise in blood glu- cose which Dr. Neuhouser says are known to have a nega- tive effect on overhaul health, especially if eaten on their own.
But fiber can help blunt the damage. “If someone consumes a high glycemic index food in a meal that has suffi- cient fiber.
It will help mitigate the rapid rise,” she said.
Dr. Neuhouser, who served on the committee that set the recent
American Dietary Guidelines says there's one thing to keep in mind.: "That the whole diet matters. The whole dietary pattern.”
Some of her favorite good -for-you carbs include barley and quinoa.
The study is published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
While the carb-lung can- cer link will need more research to confirm, it's already been shown that repeated blood sugar spikes take a toll on the body.
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