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iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Woman Keeps ‘Smiling' Potato In The Freezer For 5 years Because It Looks ‘Friendly'
ByZahna EklundAudience WriterHelen Le Caplain
A woman has been keeping one potato in her freezer for five years because it looks as though it's smiling at her.
Lori Bricks refused to chop up the spud when she was making hash browns in 2017 because she thought it was "so friendly look- ing" that she just had to keep it - so chucked it in her
freezer where it's been living ever since.
The potato fea- tures clearly defined eyes, nostrils, and a smiling mouth, and Lori and her husband Michael Bricks have even decided to name the cheery carb 'Pete'.
And after sparing the spud, Lori and Michael also threw together an impromptu photo- shoot, featuring pictures of Pete
reclining in a chair, sitting at a dinner table, and watching TV.
Five years later, 51-year-old Lori recently unearthed Pete from his chilly new home and found the potato is now sporting new additions - including an ice beard and sprout feet.
But Lori, from Parker, Colorado, US, has said she won't be chucking the spud away any time soon, as
she wants to keep Pete for another five years so that she can do anoth- er photoshoot that will mark a decade since she found it.
She said: "I found him five years ago in a bag of potatoes from the supermarket. I was pulling them out to make hash browns for break- fast and spotted his little face smil- ing back at me.
"I couldn't turn him into a hash brown because he was just so friendly looking. He just made me laugh so hard, I couldn't throw him away or eat him. I remember think- ing it would be a shame to get rid of him.
"I named him Pete because I thought he just looked like a Pete.
"It might have been a couple of
glasses of wine later on that evening that inspired me to do the photoshoot. I just thought 'we've got to take some pictures of him' and I wanted to make them exciting. I had a childhood doll- house with some cute furniture [and used them].
"I got the idea to freeze him from my sister. She had a cake with a celebrity on it from when she was young and she froze that and took it every- where we went because she loved that so much. I was like 'I could freeze him'."
After remember- ing Pete was in cold storage last month, Lori decid- ed to throw a sec- ond photoshoot in which she gave the potato a tiny stetson and set himupsohe looked as though
he was fishing in a puddle.
She added: "I wanted to check on him and he's doing great, he's still smiling and is still happy.
"He's got some frosting around the chin - he's ageing well. He's also grown some little feet, I think those are sprouts, he looks like he's got little win- klepicker shoes on.
"I took more pic- tures and then put him back in the freezer, I'll get him out in five years' time to mark a decade of him being with us."
Lori has since shared some pho- tos from the shoot on social media, and has racked up more than 2,000 likes, shares, and com- ments on her post.
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine

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