Page 7 - IAV Digital Magazine #463
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iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Moroccan Woman in UAE ‘Killed Lover And Cooked Him'
A Moroccan woman has been accused of killing her lover and serv- ing up his remains to Pakistani work- ers in the United Arab Emirates, prosecutors say.
The woman killed her boyfriend three months ago, they say, but the crime was only recently discov- ered when a human tooth was found inside her blender.
She confessed to police, calling it a moment of "insanity", state- owned newspa- per The National reports.
The woman, who is in her 30s, will go on trial pending an investigation.
She had been in
a relationship with the victim for seven years. According to The
National, she killed him after he told her he was planning to marry someone else from Morocco.
While police did not reveal how he was killed, they said his
girlfriend had served up his remains as part of a traditional rice and meat dish to some Pakistani nationals work- ing nearby.
The discovery was only made when the vic- tim's brother went looking for him at their home in the city
of Al Ain, which sits on the bor- der with Oman. There, he found a human tooth inside a blender, the newspaper reports.
The man went on to report his brother missing to police, who carried out DNA tests on the tooth and con- firmed it
belonged to the victim.
According to police, the woman first told the brother she had kicked the victim out of the home. But Dubai-based Gulf News said she later col- lapsed and admitted the killing under police question-
She reportedly said she had enlisted the help of friend to help clear up her apartment after the killing.
The accused has reportedly been sent to hospital for mental health checks.
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine