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iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Profane Parrots Removed From Zoo Display For Rude Language
By Ben Hooper
Sept. 29 (UPI) -
- A British zoo said five parrots were removed from public dis- play after the birds spent their time in quarantine together teaching each other to shout profanities.
The Lincolnshire Wildlife Park
said the five African grey par- rots, named Eric, Jade, Elsie, Tyson and Billy, were given to the facility by five dif-
ferent owners in the same week, so the birds were put into quaran- tine together before going on display.
The time alone gave the parrots time to teach one another their favorite swear words, park offi- cials said.
The birds were put on public dis- play, but soon removed when zookeepers dis- covered the out- come of their time together.
"It just went bal- listic, they were all swearing," zoo chief executive Steve
Nichols told
CNN. "We were a little concerned about the chil- dren."
Nichols said zoo officials are hop- ing keeping the birds separated will give them an opportunity to clean up their lan- guage before returning to public display.
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