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thing to do is to immediately suspend the hormone thera- py,” said Giulia Senofonte, an endocrinologist and expert on gender therapy.
“If the halting of the therapy is not imme- diate, there could be consequences, espe- cially in the first trimester of pregnan- cy, which is an impor- tant time for the development of the baby’s organs.
“It’s difficult to talk about it in abstract terms but it all depends on the tim- ing of the suspension of the dosages of testosterone that the person is taking.”
Doctors are also wor- ried about the impact on Marco, who has begun to exhibit male physical characteris- tics, including addi- tional body hair growth and the ability to grow a beard.
Some experts believe high levels of both male and female hor- mones in a person’s body can pose a car-
diological risk, height- ening the prospect of heart attacks and strokes, although there is a lack of con- clusive research on the subject.
Marco is now expect- ed to go through with the pregnancy and give birth to the baby.
Under Italian law,
an abortion after 90 days is only allowed if the pregnancy seri- ously endangers the health of the mother or if there are signifi- cant problems with the foetus.
Marco will be the baby’s biological mother but will
be registered legally as its father.
The unusual case makes him a member of a tiny category of people known as “seahorse dads”
– transgender men who carry babies. The term is derived from the fact that among seahorses, it is the male which car- ries and gives birth to young.
Marco had never felt
comfortable as a woman and had decided some years ago to change gen- der.
“Hormonal therapy blocks the menstrual cycle but is not a contraceptive,” Dr Senofonte told the La Repubblica newspa- per, which first revealed the case.
“The person can con- tinue to ovulate and as a result, run the risk of getting preg- nant. Experts who oversee these transi- tions normally recom- mend contraceptive pills that can be taken during the therapy.”
The president of Pro Vita e Famiglia, a conservative Catholic foundation, said he hoped Marco would decide to halt his therapy permanently.
“The gender fluidity theory is total mad- ness,” said Toni Brandi. “It’s against science and against nature. This case is a challenge for gender theories because it shows a woman is a woman.”
Nick Squires
An Italian who was transitioning to become a man was found to be five- months pregnant after undergoing a mastectomy.
The individual, who had assumed the male name Marco, was at an advanced stage of the sex- change process hav- ing had his breasts removed.
He had been due to have a hysterectomy
remove his uterus before the pregnancy was discovered by doctors at a hospital in Rome.
Thought to be the first case of its kind in Italy, the surprise discovery has raised concerns about the welfare of the baby and whether the foe- tus has been affected by the procedures that Marco has undergone to date.
“Once the pregnancy is discovered, the first
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Trans Man About To Have Sex Change Operation Found To Be Five Months Pregnant

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