Page 14 - IAV Digital Magazine #556
P. 14

iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Trans Student Was Voted Homecoming Princess In A Cruel Prank
By LGBTQNation
Cass Steiner is a sophomore at Mariemont High School and was recently voted Homecoming Princess by her classmates. She was thrilled to be the school’s first trans Homecoming Princess. Her entire family was celebrating.
“Originally, I was really, really, real- ly
excited,” Steiner told Fox 19. “Just the thought that I had a chance to
make history here.”
Her mother, Kat Steiner, added that she “was absolutely thrilled” for her daughter – until the school counselor spoke to Cass. The counselor told her that some parents had contacted her to let her know Cass’s victory was potentially part of a prank by students.
“It kind of brought down my spirits a little bit,” Cass said.
“Your heart just breaks,” Kat added.
But Cass wouldn’t give in to bullies. The school apolo- gized and gave her the chance to step back from her role as princess, but she said no.
“I don’t think that it was truly a joke,” she said. “I think that part of it really was gen- uine and that a lot of people have my back and do support me. That’s what gives me hope.”
Cass believes that several of her classmates have noticed how much happier she is since she has embraced her true self.
“I think it’s really empowering because finding myself as a whole was really hard, but now that I’m here and a better version of myself, I’m so much hap- pier, and people in my class and my peers have noticed that.”
told WLWT that holding onto her title shows her classmates she is proud of who she is.
“If anything, hear- ing the negativity empowered me because it made me realize that they are going out of their way to notice me. They’re noticing how bold I am.”
“If you did vote for me with negative intentions thank you because I still won the vote and I’m willing to advocate for my community as a whole,” she said.
And her commu- nity is advocating along with her. Students and par- ents showed up at the homecom- ing parade hold- ing signs to sup- port her. One read, “You are more than a princess. You are a QUEEN!” Another said, “We
love our warrior.”
Parent Erin Satterwhite organized the group of support- ers.
“Cassie’s story, it just spoke to me as a mom,” Satterwhite said. “And this is an inclusive, kind, supportive com- munity and I wanted that mes- sage to be shared and not the origi- nal message that was shared.”
And because other members of the homecoming court refused to be Cass’s escort, the principal walked with her.
“Having those people escort me and be there for me is really empowering and showing that the school is there for me,” Cass said. “And they are 100 percent support- ive.”
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