Page 5 - IAV Edition #375
P. 5

The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
4-D Ultrasounds Show Fetuses Grimacing as Mothers Smoke
A new study may give pregnant women who smoke a new incentive to quit: 4-D ultrasounds show that the habit is causing their unborn babies to grimace.
ments than expected during pregnancy.
“Technology means we can now see what was previously hidden, revealing how smoking affects the development of the fetus in ways we did not realize,” study
sized that those increased movements may be tied to central nervous system function, which controls move- ment. The fetuses of the mothers who smoked didn't follow a normal developmental process compared to the fetuses
Free bird: House finch, bright yellow & black mark- ings. Healthy & beautiful • 206-5815378
Medium size dog, female, to good home only $50 • 917-
see! $75 • 754-0153375
Saturdays Best prices for Alfalfa & 3-way Barley in Southern California TWO GREAT LOCATIONS 1609 East Ave I Lancaster (661) 946-7720 & 41943 50th Street West Quartz Hill (661) 718-2777
Sliding glass door insert pet entry $45. No tools needed for small dogs or cats. 12” widex80” tall • 272-9273 bet
4 diff Horse blankets. All in good shape. Needs wash- ing. All for $100 or $35ea •
272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm
Goats, Pigs, Chickens, Rhode Island Chickens, Ducks, Eggs. Cheap Littlerock • 818-517-2593
Free: Mini Pin, female, 5- 7yrs old. Black w/ brown markings, house trained •
Hemme Hay & Feed Inc
Hay, Grain, Pet Supplies.
Tack You Want It...We’ll Get It
3 Locations:
Lancaster: 942-7880 Tehachapi: 822-7442 Lake La: 264-4263
HIgH counTry Feed & PeTs Salt, Tropical Fish & Reptile Supplies “For All Your Pet Needs” Pet GroominG 1817 E Ave Q #B8 Corner of 20th St East Palmdale 661-947-4552
Van dam Farms
Wholesale Hay & Feed Horse, livestock and poultry supplies. Pet food, supplies, and vac- cines. Hay sale days Tuesdays &
w/ locking door $38firm • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
364 8:30pm
2 Stop Pearblossom pollu-
dogs out at Petsmart in West Palmdale (next to Trader Joes) every Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 5pm. You can also view all our adoptable dogs on We are in need of money to help support our SPAY and NEUTER PROGRAM. If you would like to help us, please send your tax deductable donation to HALFWAY TO HOME, PO BOX 512, Rosamond, CA Pls call Suzanne at (661)824-4495.
Solid Apostolic Ministry of Mojave. 15721 K street SuiteC. Services are Tues: 6:30pm & Sun: 10am • 209- 7607
Veterans of America. Needs
donations. • 944-0383
tion!. Report illegal tires & trash dumping • 723-4440
Personal Prayer Line. Confidential. One on One. No Charge! 942-0808
Preserve our Desert Beauty.
sToP Illegal dumping!
Report to: 1-888-Clean LA 1-888-253-2652
Halfway To Home is a Non- Profit 501(c)3 Animal Rescue located in Mojave, California. We adopt our
Tehachapi Humane Society is holding Kitten Adoption at Palmdale PetsMart. Every 2nd & 4th Saturday of Each Month. Each Kitten will be ready to take home.
Jolene’s Horse Rescue. Seeking sponsorship & vol- unteers are welcome, dona- tions: vehicle, tractors, & old farm equip. to help horse get on it's hooves. A non-profit organization. 285-5176
Gorgeous bengal kittens, females, soft & shiny coats, great markings. Parents have both good tempera- ment & on site. 1st shots &
dewormed • 202-5966 Cheweenie pups, 2wks old,
50’ round pen. 12’x12 - 4 rail panels + 1x12’ - 4 rail gate panel & 26 clamps
$1000 • 760-559-4777
Large tank for fish or rep- tiles. maybe 100gal, 6’ longx 16” wide x 24” tall. With stand, made of heavy iron frame. Does not leak $235 firm • 272-9273 bet
37 8:30am-8:30pm
Folding metal cage for small dog or cat. 17” wide x 19” tall x 24”, Heavy gauge wire
very cute $25 • 754-0153
Kittens. All sizes, colors & age. $5-$20 donation • 445-
Chiweenie/ Jack Russell pups, multi-colors, must
Researchers at Durham and Lancaster Universities, in the United Kingdom, studied high-definition ultra- sound scans and noticed that the fetuses of mothers who smoked had more mouth move-
co-author Brian Francis, a professor at Lancaster University, said in a news release. “This is yet further evidence of the negative effects of smoking in pregnancy.”
Study authors hypothe-
of the mothers who did- n't smoke. Previous research also suggests that exposure to ciga- rette smoke in the womb is associated with delayed speech devel- opment in infants.

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