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iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Arizona Woman Sends Man
159,000 texts, Breaks Into
His Home After Single Date
By BoredBat Author
will even order her to marry the man.
‘They’re going to say, “You’re not guilty and on top of it we, like, demand that you two get married,”‘ Ades told The Arizona Republic in a new jail- house interview.
Ades has been behind bars at the Maricopa County Estrella Jail since May 2018 after she allegedly stalked and
harassed the man for 10 months.
She sent him threat- ening text messages including one that read: ‘I’d make sushi outta ur kidneys n chopsticks outta ur hand bones (sic)’.
Another one read: ‘Oh what would I do w ur blood! Id wanna bathe in it’.
Ades and the man, who has only been
identified as the CEO of a company that sells skincare and spa products, met on a dating site.
Ades has been behind bars at Maricopa County Estrella Jail since May 2018 after she allegedly stalked and harassed the man for 10 months and sent him threatening texts (pictured)
Ades was found men- tally incompetent to stand trial in March. But she wants a jury to hear her case, believing they will even order her to marry the man.
She claimed that the pair met on Luxy, an online dating service that calls itself the ‘best luxury million- aire matchmaker dat- ing app’.
Luxy can only be accessed by those who earn more than $200,000 or if they are voted in by other members based on their attractiveness
Authorities said Ades and the man chatted on the site for a few days and then went on one date.
Although the man told Ades he did not want to see her again, she allegedly began tex- ting him incessantly – sometimes up to 500 times a day. In July 2017, she parked out- side of his house.
In April 2018, the man –whowasoutofthe country – called police and said sur- veillance video showed that Ades was inside his home.
Officers found Ades taking a bath in his home. When officers asked why she was there, she began referring to scientific equations.
‘I guess that I made up a whole scenario in my head where I live here, so I came here and pretended that’s what was hap- pening,’ she told them.
An Arizona woman who allegedly sent 159,000 text mes- sages to a man and broke into his home after they went on a single date believes jury will find her inno- cent.
Jacqueline Ades was found mentally incom- petent to stand trial in March. But she wants a jury to hear her case, believing they
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