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iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Video of Will Smith Eating Spaghetti Marks Natural End Point For AI Development
Reid McCarter
While the
world debates the need to regulate experiments in artificial intelli- gence technology, wondering at what point a race for increasingly sophisticated AI models could spi- ral out of control, we at The A.V. Club believe we have already identified the
appropriate stop- ping point for AI development: Computer-gener- ated videos of celebrities eating spaghetti.
As tweeted
by Magus Wazir, a user who goes by u/chaindrop po sted a ModelScope Text To Video cre- ation that sees actor/musician/se cret pasta mon-
ster Will Smith tearing through plates of spaghet- ti to
the r/StableDiffusi on subreddit. In just 20 seconds, we bear witness to various eras of Smith demon- strating a need for noodles so profound that it appears to tor- ment him, his face melting and features trans- forming as he
devours Lovecraftian spaghetti tendrils by fork or hand.
This video alone is a clear demon- stration that experiments in AI technology have reached their apex. But, to fur- ther drive the point
home, another Reddit user has instructed their computer to show
us Scarlett Johansson taking a similarly Dali- esque approach to spaghetti din- ing.
Watch Johansson consume the spaghetti—watch her hair temporar- ily become spagh etti—and know that we, as a species, have reached a land- mark in our evolu- tion that needn’t
be explored any further. For god’s sake, we can now use AI to show us sitting American presidents eating wavering plates
of noodles in the White House. What else could AI technology be used for beyond this? What con- ceivable need does our species have for any application of this computer science other than celebrity spaghetti videos?
Let’s stop now. There is no fur- ther use for AI. It will not make
us worthwhile
art and entertain- ment. It will not replace
our actors and br oadcasters. It is purely a tool that allows us to catch seasick glimpses of famous people eating stuff.
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine