Page 16 - IAV Digital Magazine #611
P. 16

iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Miller High Life Is Making A
Cologne That It Says
Smells Like A Dive Bar
By Chris Morris
Dive bars generally aren’t the best smelling of places. Stale beer, sweat, and (often) despair linger in the air, but the beers are cheap and the company is largely non-judgmen-
If you just can’t get enough of that scent, though, Miller High Life is rolling out a cologne that will let you proudly wear it around town. Miller High Life Dive Bar- Fume will go on sale
tomorrow. A bottle will run you $40 (which would buy a lot of beer at most dive bars).
So what, exactly, does this perfume smell like? While we haven’t gotten a whiff ourselves, Miller says
it “captures every familiar dive bar scent from the satis- fying crack of a fresh- ly opened beer to the comforting savory taste of classic bar snacks.”
To achieve that, the maker of the fra- grance blended a variety of scents. Cedarwood and patchouli are includ- ed to bring the smell of the bartop to mind. Tobacco and leather are blended in to recreate the barstool smell. (Please tell us you’re not sniffing the barstool at a dive bar. That would be a bad, BAD idea.)
Champaca blossom is included to recre- ate the smell of a Miller High Life open-
ing (an odd choice, since
flowers are not what comes to mind when most beers are popped). And sea salt, meant to bring the smell of a basket of fries, are the final blend.
Not included, appar- ently, is the smell of that guy at the end of the bar who’s always there, regardless of when you visit.
As with many brands, Miller High Life has lots of merchandise for its loyal cus- tomers. Other offer- ings, which were pre- viously on sale, include a holiday stocking (for $48), hoodies, t-shirts, and beanies. And, for $48, you can get a High Life Belt Buckle.
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine

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