Page 27 - GM-Penny Perfect
P. 27

Penny Perfect and Sally Sloppy
TOPIC: One of the more difficult things for all of us to decide is... when is a task good enough or not
done yet?
This story illustrates the two ends of the spectrum of this concern. Some children make themselves terribly anxious about tasks and seem unable to decide when they have completed something or have studied enough. These children may not be problem students in the classroom. These children will make good grades and the irrationality of their thinking may manifest itself only later in life. They are unable to recognize when they have done my very best and insist on being the best or perfect all of the time.
At the other extreme is the child who just wants to get by with minimal effort. This is more typical and is recognizable because these are frequently labeled, underachievers. These children also have problems with recognizing and striving for doing my very best.
The ability to realistically evaluating your performance, recognizing your best effort and accepting the result of this best effort are the skills at the core of this story.

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